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God Know Why Part II.....

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Hare Krishna


Please see the link first to read the letter:



Quote from the Letter:

<font color="red"> I was approved for accepting disciples at the age of 32 </font color> and accepted my first disciples at the age of 33. Now, many years later, at the age of 49, I have reached a dead end in my ability to continue.


Guru's should be 100cent KC to be bona-fide and then be able to accept disciples, this letter is so obvious, how can a Guru who accepts disciples have a 'fall down', Bona-Fide means exactly that, these charlatans (false Guru's) are spoiling the whole process, I mean wouldn't you know if you were 100cent KC, I feel very sorry for the Bhakta in the letter, but I'm sorry but he had NO RIGHT in accepting disciples in the first place (the GBC did wrong), if he had carried on spreading KC (like Srila Prabhupada said) then he would not be fallen, in my opinion, I'm sorry for any offences caused, but time and time again I have heard Srila Prabhupada saying to accept on BONA_FIDE 100 percent Krishna Conscious devotees as Spiritual Masters....







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