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Tridandisvami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja




(A lecture based on Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's Sri Bhajana Rahasya)


Birmingham, England - June 16, 2003







We have finished discussing the first yama (stage) of bhajana - sraddha - what it is and how to achieve it. Try to achieve transcendental sraddha, the essence of that first yama.




Corresponding to the first yama of bhajana, the first sweet pastimes in Sri Krsna's day are those of nisanta-lila, the last part of the night. Srimati Radharani and Sri Krsna are sleeping and Sri Vrnda-devi fears, "Now it is is going to be dawn." She thus orders all the birds, like Suka, Sari and others, to sweetly sing the glories of Sri Krsna so that He and Srimati Radharani will wake up and return to Their homes. This is the first yama pastime of Sri Krsna, and the first yama pastime of sadhana-bhajana is sraddha. If there is no sraddha, there is no bhajana.




Nowadays I see that devotees have so many problems, and because of these problems, they cannot chant regularly. Sometimes they are restless and upset, and thus they give up worshipping Thakurji (the deity), chanting, remembering and reading books. I have come to remind you to not be like that; do not be weak. Your suffering will increase by whatever you are doing to decrease it. So don't be upset, but rather try to chant more and read more. When reading the books of Parama-pujyapada Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja, you should think, "He is instructing me." If reading a book of Srila Rupa Gosvami, think that Srila Rupa Gosvami is speaking to you; and if reading Srimad-Bhagavatam, think that Srila Sukadeva Gosvami and Srila Vyasadeva are speaking to you. And always pray to Lord Krsna and Sri Gurudeva to sprinkle their mercy upon you.





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