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Good Memory (Vedic way)

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Hare Krishna


Is there a easy way to remember? recall from memory, a trick, how do Bhakta's/Mata's do it?


i.e verces from the Bhagavad Gita etc


I can extract some verces from my tiny brain, but I need help in not only remembering, but putting these verces into practical application, I don't want to be like a computer, I hope people know what I am saying....Haribol!


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on a vedic note: conserve semen...


on personal note: there is a nice book how to remember names, dates etc... it is uses technik through assosiation - like hindu word

"dute" - milk, you associate with with "one dude brougth me milk" etc..


and to conclude - you can store unlimited information in your brain, because it is not brain stores information, it is more like a soul.


So there is no imaninable shelf in a head which stores informationand at one point get filled up and no more information fits inside.



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i have memory for everything.. faces, cars, guitars, computers, prices, roads.. except for the spiritual names of the devotees


when i approach a devotee, many times i hide this thing with a joke: "hare krishna maharaja..", "nice soul", "professor..", "pandit..", "brother", "master..", "reverend..."


is not it a big disgrace?

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Hare Krishna


Same here /images/graemlins/smile.gif I can remember faces, but always forget names, I am tactless, so I just come straight out with it "what's your name again?!",


Thanks Subala for that it's very nice, that information can be stored unlimitedly in the soul!, I never thought of it like that, still doesn't solve the problem though!



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it is a people skill technik, people skills can be used to preach.


Imagine 2 scenarious



You meet one person and talk about Krishna for 10 min and by the end of conversation you forget his name (and have to ask again)


You meet one person and talk about Krishna for 10 min and 1 year later you meet him again and still remember his name. This person will be very much flattered and positivly disposed to you and your message.


Most important sound people like to hear is - sound of their own name (guess where we took it from - from Krishna - he also has this tendency - He LIKES to hear His name from somebody else!!!!)


In any case I will find a book name for you. how to remember peoples names.



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