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Eden garden

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1. If god was having such knowledge and wisdom, why he created such a tree in between the garden? if we decide that it was his own wish, then adam and eve was like animals bnefore eating that fruit from that particular tree, so commanding an animal not to do a thing will be much difficult, more over the adam and eve was in a possition that to listen every one who command and advise them. so it is not thier fault.

2. If eden garden was secured by the angels how do evil get ion there to spoil the lives in there?

3. If god was so kind person having huge love to his childrens, why he send adam out of the garden? even he can know what was happpened & what will happen later. Because he know everything past, present and future. In such case why he done all these?

4. Is he a god or some kind of crul administrator?

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Are you taking that story as literal when it might be an allegory?


Main Entry: al·le·go·ry

Etymology: Middle English allegorie, from Latin allegoria, from Greek allEgoria, from allEgorein to speak figuratively, from allos other + -Egorein to speak publicly, from agora assembly —more at ELSE, AGORA

14th century


1 : the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence; also : an instance (as in a story or painting) of such expression

2 : a symbolic representation



Notice what kind of fruit that tree bore. The fruit of the tree was the knowledge of good and evil.


Material duality maybe? these two (Adam and Eve) desired to be the enjoyers apart from living by God's way.


God said that on the day that they ate of that fruit they would surely die. In the absolute world the concept of death is unknown to the residents. So they had to leave the worlds of eternal life and come to the world of samsara to experience death.


Consider it as an allegory and it might make more sense.

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What is the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil? I think it is symbolic of not being able to return to that pure, untainted state. Think of how old you are now, how many mistakes and misjudgements you have made. Every action has put upon us a subtle covering, taking away our purity and innocence. Once we have experienced the world we can never return to that innocent stage. A child is born, full of promise, innocent to the world. But in time tastes that knowledge and must leave paradise, the carefree innocent existence.

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