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What is GOD?

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Dear Sandy,

Can you find the sugar that is dissolved in water? You can only know the presence of sugar in it by just tasting it. You can not deny the fact that there is sugar in it, can you? Like that God has to be felt, nobody can make you feel Him for you. You can experience it by sincere devotion & faith. When we are not able to see the stars in the presence of sun, how can you see the God when our mind is covered by desires& attachments. Only when you give up all your desires & attachment, you can start realising Him. So first give up your ego, wishes & attachment before trying to realise HIM. The short way to God is to cut short your ego!



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you offer a taste-test analogy but is it possible to *know* Brahman by relying on sensorial perception? Indeed, it is the accepted definition that *GOD* is Absolute Truth. basically, it's amorphous, non-material, and consists entirely of well-worded paradoxes. mostly dualities. you know; it is INFINITE, yet it is NOTHING; it is OMNIPOTENT, yet it does not act; it has form, yet it doesn't! all very confusing, supposed to transcend human cogency. so, by my limited understanding of this sort of thing, once you (generally speaking) arrive at this knowledge of the absolute, you thereby cease to exist—corporeally, psychologically, the whole gamut. Nothing and everything, all at once. in simple terms, you become *one* with everything, even though you had been before . . . rats . . . this is hefty material, as you can see. I'm probably the wrong guy to even begin to explain it to those unfamiliar. The only real suggestion I could give you is to avoid bhakti-yoga. while it's perfectly healthy and as a kid I was always fascinated by the assignment of gender to what is truly an insensible non/entity, there's something totally irrational—and feminine—underlying the concept of bhakti.

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with out bhakthi yoga you can never realize God. Like theory of relativity God is manifest & un manifest, He has form & He is formless. both are true. If you feel God has form He has . What ever name you give Him, He takes that name.What ever form He is given, He accepts it. Only devotion can make us feel His presence. Only by our mind we have to realize Him first. How can you attain Him avoiding bhakthi yog, in all the yogas you will have ego, attachment to the fruit of action. So only bhakthi yoga is best for realizing Him!



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Bhakthiyoga surpass all yogas because it does not reqire any conditions. Yagja can be done only by few people, it requires lot of materials, money, man with out wife or woman with out husband can not do yagjas. Where is in bhakthiyoga, anybody, anywhere can be done. Just surrender to God having unflinchable faith. He will take care of you.All you need is sincere faith in Him.



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Well, that is the ultimate aim of any soul to be one with Supreme consciouness all of call "GOD". After all it is a Journey of a Soul.


But as long as I am in this body I want to experience complete bliss,the state of permanent happiness, joy and love. What I have understand with my expereince is that it is possible only by getting the state of 'enlightenment'.



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I am asking for enlightenment or 'mukti' and not 'moksha'. Moksha is to be free from the cycle of birth and death while mukti is to be free from all kinds of sufferings.


To get rid of sufferings one must get the state of 'englightenment' or 'mukti'.


When the self dies sufferings do not bother you. I do not say that there is no suffering but then if you get that state you do not suffer.



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What is truly eternal will never cease to exist. Once you re-awaken your spiritual consciousness you will experience your true SELF and that self does not "die" or dissolve once you achieve mukti. You will simply be stunned or shocked in your ecstasy of Brahman's light. But for most souls such state is not permanent and due to their desire for ACTIVE enjoyment they come back to the material Universe. Bhakti provides both liberation and active enjoyment in the spiritual world. Hare Krisna!

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Dear Sandy,


Hare Krishna!


I do not want anybody who reply on the basis of his knowledge he has read in vedas or puranas.



You are saying that I want to see someone, but there should be no light. I want to see something without light. Is it possible to see anything in dark? Similarly it is not possible to know about God without Vedas/Puranas/Bhagavad Gita...




I want the answer from them who have actually experienced GOD.



Those people are very rare in this world. And the ONLY means by which they can convey the vision of God is with the help of vedas/puranas. Because, mundane words can never describe the person who is above any mundane designations!


So, Please try to have an attitude of respect for the shaastras and try to learn from the shaastras, instead of trying to see in the darkness /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Hare Krishna!


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Dear Somesh,


I respect Shastras, Vedas and Puranas. All those who are trying to preech me this are highly misunderstood my point. In faact when I say i do not want answers from these scriputers I mean that these things I know and it is clear to me intellectually and for all you guys too. But I am interested in those great people who have expereinced GOD today in this mundane world. These are the people who if share the expereince of GOD would be the great source of inspiration for all of us, who have almost agreed to that fact that in Kali yuga it is impossible to have expereince of GOD.



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  • 3 weeks later...

God is the Primal Person on whose inconceivable existence everything rests, and yet at the same time He is everything that exists. God is Krsna (the all-attractive person).


You can see Him whenever you want, any Yuga you want; but we want so many other things too. When we want Him and nothing else, then He will be here. He wants only our sincerity, our pure love. That is the price that must be tendered to purchase Him.


Sandy, what else do you want to know about God or about how to develop this essential love for Him that will attract Him to you? The Lord Brahma in our universe is much more qualified than I to describe God's full nature. He has presented his intimate perceptions in a beautiful poem known as the Sri Brahma-Samhita. I could never pretend to use words to describe indescribable Krsna the way Lord Brahma does in that poem.



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reality as a virtual reality, matter as an illusion,

hidden control from another dimension.


that is confirmed by quantum physics,and the Bhagavad gita.


The 4 dimensional world we experience,with a 5th dimensional lens, our consciousness.


This entire physical world is at the quantum level

apparently comprised of non mass,non physicality.


The nature of quantum reality is that at the most basic

level, matter is an illusion of physicality , photons

have no mass, matter at the smallest level is comprised

of wavelets of energy, which are somehow transformed

into particles of mass or matter.


Just like a computer virtual reality creates a world

that is based on another dimension,our world is

based on another dimension.


Also like a VR where everything is comprised of bytes

of information creating a VR world of seeming

physicallity,our world is comprised of bits of

energy seemingly imbued with information that creates

our seeming physicality.


in the Gita it says "everything rests on me(god)

like pearls on a thread.


so our reality is resting or manifested with a thread

of consciousness throughout,the 5th dimension ,that of consciousness, just like a VR computer

game where the seeingingly real world is in truth

dependent on the computer and the consciousness

controlling it.




The self or soul is given identity from the soul of God, god takes a bit of his/her soul

and imbues it with individuality,we are an

adultered portion of divinity".


this is why bhedabheda(oneness and difference) is in effect, we are made of god's soul, therefore we

exist as a shared consciousness.


it's not that souls have always existed, for a soul to exist ,God has to

adulter a portion of him/herself, and imbue that portion with self awareness.


since we are made up of a portion of the eternal we therefore can be considered

without beginning, but in fact our individuality had to be adultered from the

One eternal consciousness/infinite reality.


to say that there is only God is only partially correct, scriptures

do this all the time,all religions ,this does not give the full story.



I think therefore i am, Am I existing everywhere ?

No, Is God existing everywhere ? yes


Therefore I am not God,therefore everything is not God in full.


Since we exist as part of God, we are therefore partially God, since God

also has an existence beyond our limited one, we are not the same as God.


therefore we are comprised of God and are one with God,also God has many

aspects of existence that we do not partakle of therfore we are unique from

God, God is all, we are not.


Therefore to say there is only God is partially correct, there is God and

there is ourselves, bhedabheda(one and non one), all is God, and there is part of God that is

different then God, not all powerfull, not omnipresent, and limited by our

nature,whereas God is unlimited.


This should be obvious, if you take religious scriptures as all in all, and your concept

includes illogical conclusion, like there is only God, when we know we exist

and we are not God, then you have to rethink your interpretation of the religious

literature to make it come out logical.


it least thats my story,

and i'm stickin to it.

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