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Racism is Not Vedic

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Someone earlier posted something about racism being Vedic. He wrote that because brahmins, kshatiryas, vaishyas, and shUdras were associated with different colors, that these colors were to be taken as the colors of their respective skins and hence, racism.


I wish to refute this point by quoting from shruti, specifically the vajra-sUchika upaniShad (5), which states:


tarhi deho brAhmaNa iti chet.h tanna | AchANDAlAdiparyantAnAM manushhyANAM

paJNchabhautikatvena dehasyaikarUpatvAt.h

jarAmaraNadharmAdharmAdisAmyadarshanat.h brAhmaNaH shvetavarNaH xatriyo

raktavarNo vaishyaH pItavarNaH shUdraH kR^ishhNavarNaH iti niyamAbhAvAt.h |

pitrAdisharIradahane putrAdInAM brahmahatyAdidoshhasaMbhavAchcha |

tasmAt.h na deho brAhmaNa iti ||



Then is the body the braahmaNa ? No. Since the body, as it is

made up of the five elements, is the same for all people down to

chaNdAla-s, etc., since old age and death, dharma and adharma are found

to be common to them all, since there is no absolute distinction that the

braahmaNas are white-colored, the kshatriyas red, the vaishyas yellow,

and the shudras dark, and since in burning the corpse of his father,

etc., the stain of the murder of a braahmaNa, etc., will accrue to the

son, etc., therefore the body is not the braahmaNa.

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Correct. Let the world know it well.


The vedic people join hands/palms and bow down to any person they meet and say nanaskar or namaste or parnam.

they do it even for cow and can do it for animals as well.


this is a symbolic way of saying, "the supersoul krishna in you and in me is same. i bow down to that supersoul. a vedic person (hindu (hk)) sees/thinks the soul, not the body. The hindu in principle is skin-color blind. he/she is not a racist, never. to be more correct: hinduism is not racist dharma. those some who malpractice dharma are just malpracticeners, not the definers of dharma.

gita defines hinduism.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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