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Planet Mars

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Have you guys seen the planet Mars off in the distance? Its pretty cool. Anyways, Mars is the planet named after the Roman god of war. I have heard that in Vedic astrology Karthikeya, the god of war, is the predominating deity of Mars. If so, its a pretty interesting "coincidence". Also, shouldn't the proximity of Mars to Earth be a bad omen if it represents war?

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Mars relates to the war God, the Divine warrior, called Skanda, Kartikeya or Subrahmanya, the second son of Siva and Parvati. The greek God Ares and the Roman God Mars may be useful here also(though the ancient rituals for them are not longer available as are those for the Hindu Gods). From The Astrology of the Seers by David Frawley.


Someone told me when Parashurama was killing all the ksatryas, some of them left for Northen Europe and because they were followers of the god Skanda now those countries are known as Scandinavia.

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Mars is cruel, has blood red eyes, is ill mannered, yet generous, is bilious (pitta) in constitution, is prone to anger and possesses a thin waist and body.- Parashari 3.25


Mars is the planet of power, strength, courage and agression, and measures our ability to project force in life. On the positive side, a strong Mars is necessary to give us the energy, independence, will and self-confidence to carry out our endeavors-qualities it shares with the Sun. Without it we have no real interests, passions, and motivations, no determination, no real intensity or ability to carry out anything to the end and really accomplish it.

On the negative side, this same agression brings about competition, argument, and conflict-and when unchecked by other factors, it causes domination, control, violence, and injury, a placing of our own personal will-to-power over the good of life.As such, Mars has always been well known as the Great god of War........

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got the book back (the one written by Nalini most recently). On pg 132 he explains that one propitiation for a malefic Mars is to chant: Om namo bhagavate narasimhaya. Also hanuman can help propitiate a malefic Mars, as he gives this mantra too: Om sri hanumate namah.


Also, whether a planet is malefic or benefic in its specified action for an individual has more to do with their rising sign than if it is an intrinsic (natural) benefic or intrinsic malefic. For example, Mars is especially benefic, & is a RajaYoga for too.


Matter of fact, for some people an intrinsic benefic Jupiter can reap intense malefic problems in their life when running its Dasa, if they are of specific rising signs.


Hope that helps.

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