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Dickie Roberts

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If what you say is accurate, this is a first class movie.


Rainbow bridge was made first class, not by jimi, but by action shots of the samkirtana movement.


The pilot for kojak not only had a classic tune and action shots of samkirtana, but it went on over and over throughout the movie.


If gHari confirms, Ill try to go see this flick.


hare krsna, ys, mahax

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We gots no bread for flicks. But I trusts Atma; still in awe that she feeds Anthony Hopkins.


I have been pointed to the movie though, having seen the TV review by Ebert et al, a TV interview with the young Richy Rich Home Alone kid now grown up, and then moments ago an AP interview on CNN.com with the has-been child stars from the flick. And these are three things I don't normally do; seems Krsna is directing me toward the film.


If that's how it ends, WOW. The second coming is coming. Get yer beadbags ready boys and girls; we're gonna leave this planet in a total ecstatic rapture.


How is it that we are so fortunate? Knowing our fortune how can we utter a sound, take a step, even breathe? Krsna! Prabhupada! How can you be so kind to us?



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Seems I got Macaulay Culkin's movie mixed up with Dickie's movie. Macaulay looked really cool to me, and Ebert liked the flick. Apparently Ebert and Roeper both gave thumbs down to Spade Roberts. Take the essence; the Spade crowd gets the mercy. Go figure? "Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then" (TLOBVance).

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I'll wait for someone else to tell us how the scene with Srila Prabhupada relates to the story.


I'm not about to spend two hours watching Atlantic City just because there's a 15-second clip where some spaced-out chick says that if Jesus came today she thinks he'd be a Hare Krishna. And I'll also let someone else see Spade's filck and clue us in to the important scene and its significance.

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I never said the movie was good or bad. Some devotees took offence that they used footage of Srila Prabhupada, others think is good for the purification of the people. You have to see it in the context that what they were trying to say. Chanting was there, ecstatic kirtana and Srila Prabhupada but I think they implied the Hare Krsnas were losers.


Steven Spielberg want devotees for his next movie, shooting starts in October, I don't know in what way he'll portray them.


Monica Lewinsky came to the store, heard Srila Prabhupada for over an hour and saw the Deities in the webcam. The poor thing she is so infamous, some mercy for her too.

Who else came around lately... Megan Mullaly from Will and Grace, Kelly Williams from The Practice, Gia Carderis from The B F Greek Wedding and her husband Tony Lapaglia. People is nice and appreciate the devotees and they repeat the name "Govinda"

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