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Listen Dudes I dunno if I am in the right place here or not but here we go :-)........................


Here is the problem I am having right now you see. I love Lord Sri Krsna with all my will but somehow I have lost my connection. This is a bad thing for me so now I want to do a Sadhana to help me reconnect. You see I can easily do a one month sadhana or even 3 months but I need instructions on how to correctly perform them.


I have done many retreats and will have no problems with the routine. I have tried chanting and single pointed concentration but these are only serving to get me very stoned and then letting me cold turkey for a while so now I need to take action.


Funny how things change isnt it :-)

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Haribol, friend. If this aint the place, then where?


First of all, the aspiring devotee is aware that Krsna is master, not servant. He is not subject of the desire of the lost, like as in all of us. We cannot demand that he show himself, stay with us, etc. The devotee of the greatest degree, Srimati Radharani, suffers great separation as Krsna leaves Her village.


But Srimati Radharani has a great secret, even though Krsna leaves Her, she can keep him all the same. This attitude is attractive to Krsna, so much so, that he never leaves her even though he may be away.


So, krsna leaves us all the time. The greatest swamis will freely admit what you have stated. Krsna has left us. How is the problem solved? You have a key right in your hand, and is proven by your typing the words you have. Your meditation is that you regret that krsna has left, you lament and wish that he would have stayed. This attitude is just what is needed to attract the all attractive.


This movement is symbolized by tears of missing krsna. This sadness is heard in the soulful chanting of His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami, who did not come here to start another fools religion, rather, his mission is to give us the keys to attract the all attractive Lord.


The holy names of the Supreme Lord are ultimate potency. Both the way to get there and the goal are non-different. We chant somewhat mechanically at first, not necessarily feeling anything, but we do it because we have a little faith from shastra (scripture), sadhu (all the great messengers of the Lord throughout history), and guru (the representative of the Lord and the Lord Himself residing in the heart, the One who is there in our darkest hours). The name gradually becomes attractive to us, and Krsna hears when we call him, just as a loving mother hears he helpless infant crying "mama". So a helpless infant gains the potency of the mother by her name, we attract Krsna in the same way.


As far as the one-month or three-month scenario you mention, this seems to be an attempt to gain krsna's attention, and has it's place. But the fact remains, the greatest acarya of our time, Srila Prabhupada, became determined and accepted His Guru Maharaja, and eleven years later, he took initiation. There was no slowness to accept, for he was born a pure lover of god. Krsna comes at His will, so our advancement in Krsna Consciousness is His arrangement, not ours.


Keep regretting that He has left, call out after Him. He'll come. There are only two requirements for the aspiring devotee, that we always remember Krsna, and that we never forget Him. He does this, we cannot do such a thing, we cannot tie him up no matter how much rope we may have, he must allow us to bind Him with our affection. This is bottom line bhakti yoga.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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<< I love Lord Sri Krsna with all my will but somehow I have lost my connection. >>


Good you still love krishna.

You lost connection.

So I assume this connection with krihsna you once had.

When you had it, how you knew you had it, how it felt?

What special abilities you acquired if any due to the connection. What is teh consequence of the loss of connection, how it feels now?

Why you think you lost the connection?


If I know this, may be, I could give some guidance.

wishing you best.


jai sri krishna! - madhav



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Well like every other devotee I went to temple, chanted my rounds, and well you know, did my thing, but then something happened to me, I changed, I saw, I understood so much and as for abilities my healing practices became amazing to the point where I have healed people of bone defects and cancers with huge sucesses. These things I can have varified for you. I also started to know what people thought and was able to tell them what was going to happen in a situation or if a situation was going to happen. I am well respected within the Hindu Communities and am often asked to visit to give healing meditations or to help with situations.


But then something else happened and it was my sadest day on this earth, you see I noticed that I couldnt see Lord Sri Krsna anymore, when i chant it is empty, when i breath it is cold and when i think it is material. All this happened overnight, within 12 hours.


I am good with retreat and know it will focus my mind on His Lotus Feet once more and yes i guess it is my way to grab His attention again but hey I got to see His eyes again.I know devotees are supposed to be mild mannered and respectful towards Lord Sri Krsna and I am but more than anything He is my friend, I see no great glorious dude with universes flooding out of His mouth I just see my friend and now I lost Him and so I am doing what every good friend does and am planning on seeking Him out again.


I am 29 m uk

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