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Is "kalki" Jesus?

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I have been wondering something for quite some time. The "kalki avatar" is supposed to come at the end of this age to restore peace to the world. He is seen riding a white horse and having a blazing sword in his hand. In the bible, in the book of Revelation - chapter 19 I believe, Jesus Christ is also seen riding a white horse and having a sharp sword. So my question is will Jesus Christ be the anticipated "kalki avatar?"


If yes, I see a big problem. If Jesus Christ is "kalki" then only Christians can go to heaven and be saved from hell-fire. What will happen to all the non-christians such as Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, etc. Will they be condemned to hell for eternity because they did not believe Jesus was the Son of God and died for their sins? Then God would not be fair right? What do y'all think?


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I can also sit on a white horse holding a sharp sword, but that does not make me Kalki. In fact, during marriage in India, the groom sits on white horse holding a sharp sword. That does not make everyone Kalki. There are many many other indications that needs to be considered. For example, he should be a son of a brahmin Vishnusharma, etc


govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami

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Now considering this seriously, Sitting on the white horse with a blazing sword depicts fighting with the evil.

Kalki gives protection to the good from evil people. So the following questions arise.


How many wicked heads were cut by the blazing sword for Jesus? If he never used it, it gives us a feeling that he did this for entertaining people without actually using it. So do you think that he was some entertainer?


How can a person who was not able to protect his own body from evil people give protection to good from evil?


govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami

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Jesus or Kalki avatar, whoever is coming will come to clean the Earth of the demonic souls and bring the devotees of God back home. Jesus didn't fail to provide protection to his body, it was Krishna's will for him to be crucified to show other people the way. Jesus taught love of God and others and he lived this even while being killed. However, one should understand that Jesus didn't care about his material body at all, so why would he try to save it by protection?

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In revelations, divine secrets are disclosed and this particular one is the description of Kalki told to Jesus by God. Jesus and Kalki cannot be the same person since BC was way too early in Kali Yuga for Kalki to appear and Jesus' role on Earth is the complete opposite of the person described in Revelations ie Kalki since Jesus taught kindness and Jesus tolerated alot of things during his life. Kalki's role will be the complete opposite, he will kill the people by millions and not leave any athiests or sinners behind.

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  • 2 weeks later...


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As i remember about kalki is that He comes at the end of Kali yuga which started 5000years-/+ and will come in 10,000+/-?years from now. So Jesus was already here he wont personally come but another incarnation,calle Kalki.And anyone trying to establish love of God and succeding (not very many at that time)will be spared. /images/graemlins/blush.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...



But some modification occurs.

Jesus told "I will come on white HORSE RIDER at my second coming"... in Revelations book.

Kalki avatar will come on White HORSE RIDER .....

One more thing is that Muslims are waiting for Imam Mehdi, who also should come on a White HORSE RIDER...


Hence, There should only one person come...

and he will be Kalki avatar, Jesus (2nd coming), Imam Mehdi.


I accept your opinion...

But Don't think christians only shall go to heaven.


Every body should read Gita, Bible, Quran.


Leave all religious differences.


yours brother in God,


A. Sharath Babu

AP, South India.






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My friend... there is only 1 GOD. Messager of GOD like Hindu God n Goddess, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad, Gauthama Buddha, Sridi Sai Baba and etc are all same person. These messager only spread word of GOD and never never create a religous. Human who follow above messager are the one who create religous.

For e.g. Christian created by Saint Peter. Islam created by Khalifah Abu Bakar and etc.

So it doesn't matter which religion you are in, just respect all the religious, do good things and pray.. GOD will help everyone.

I'm Christian but I follow Hindulism, Islam and Buddhist and I found nothing wrong with it and understood that each religion heading same destination but taking different route.

A hindu swami will be the promised Kalki Avatar and he comes for justice and not for protect religous.

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Dear brothers and sisters...

Good News! Kalki Avatar has come and [physically speaking] gone, but eternally here with us. He is MEHER BABA, whose samadhi shrine is located outside Ahmednagar, India, at the town of Meherabad. He is the same one, come time and time again to release a fresh springtide of Divine Love which will turn erring humanity back onto the true path to God. Check it out! There are many web sites.



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  • 3 months later...

oh god please help all these guys..friends who flot on religion, take my word u wont reach any were.. Sit down and mediatate. Forget your earthly logics. Follow your heart not your brain. U will find the light within yourself. U will find kalki, jesus, mohmed all in your self. Take my word for granded.

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Do u have any idea where jesus disappeared for a while befor he was enlightned? He was learning vedas in so called Tibet. so he know what kalki is. The same happened to mohmed also.Thatz the reason u can find similarites of so called kalki in bible and quran. Kalki is mentioned there. We hindus never says vedas soly belong to hindus. one escapes when he realise vedam. So take my word dont wrap up in bible itself. There are world beyond your logical thinking and what books can provide. Books and logic mind can only give inspiration.. Get out of the box and think. U can get a wider picture.


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  • 6 months later...

Yes, I believe that the tenth incarnation of Vishnu is Jesus. WHo else could it be? Jesus embodies all the descriptions of the perfect man/god. If we copy Christ we will be like him. If we are like him we will see God and the end of this epoch will be here and the dawn of the new one will begin. Jesus possessed the Spirit of God in its fullest form and was born after Krishna and Buddha therefore he is the last incarnation. "I am the Way, the Truth and the Light. No one comes to the Father but through me." These words will be spread to every nation and all will realize that he was who he said he was. Basically, God in the flesh. Christians need to do a better job spreading the Good News because they are arrogant about their one truth that they fail to meet the other teachings of Jesus which were those of compassion, humility and love for God and others.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Why are there so many religions in the world?

Pathway to god should be one for everyone.As a hindu, we believe Krishna is the supreme god head of all jivas. How do you explain things for other religions. They believe that the pathway they are following is right and yours is wrong. You can't look at krishna, jesus or allah as being one god.In the bhagvat geeta it says nothing about other religions and ways of worship.I mean god is one so it would be alright for me follows ways of islam and reach krishna because they are one god. What is ur opinion.


jai shri krishan

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Sir, I am a new comer, and I don't really know abt all these things. But.. We r all under the influence of the three modes of material nature... what is called the Maha Maya.. we r really being repelled from the Absolute Truth.. Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.. But his incarnations are uncountable.. and each incarnation teaches the same in a different manner and to different people.. and this might be so because we've taken a human form.. and r under the influence of Maha Maya.. and no two act the same way.. It may be like.. we r fools .. utter fools and r unable to understand the Reality.. the Supreme Lord .. Krsna.. We r being repelled every second.. we r challenged.. But we tend to take this in the wrong way.. May be we have to meditate on the Supreme Personality of Godhead in our inner selves and we can get a streak of light in line with the Reality... Lord Krsna.. Then there'll be no religion as such.. but only a set of paths..


Sorry if I have quoted anything from my own opinion contrary to what's written in the Vedic Literature.. I haven't read much...





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Everyone has their own ideas and from own belief. Taking about GOD is very wide. For me thru bible, Quran and Vedas couldn't answer any question because every time these holy book republished some words are missing. So the best way is meditate...focus on who you believe and chanting their name thru meditation...by GOD grace your doubt will be answer. But for 1 thing...Kalki, Krishna, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad, Buddha and so is same person... Lord Vishnu

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  • 4 months later...

Qalqi was not Jesus and not Muhamad. Because it is well known that qalqi restores the qrtajyga and puts an end to qalijyga. Qrtajyga has not started, qalijyga is at its peak, this means qalqi-vagawaan has not appeared. Only the one who will destroy qali can be called qalqi, because qalqi is also named qalixaja. Now where will he appear? It is said that he uses a powerful army to defeat evil. Which country can provide such an army to defeat evil? Not the great Powers of course! It may be a muslim country or India. Qalqi's first wife is called Padma, this reminds of the name Fatima. Then it is said Qalqi fights against zazi-dhwaca. Zazi-dhwaca means the king who has moon in his flag. Consequently, zazidhwaca must be a ruler of a muslim country, he defeats qalqi and then he worships qalqi. So, it is likely that qalqi will appear in India, and his last battle will be against a muslim country, the muslim country will defeat and take him captive, but then the muslims collaborate with qalqi and then qrtajyga starts. Ameen!

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  • 1 month later...
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In Revelations Jesus speaks that he that overcomes power will be appointed to him as it was to himself. This is what the I-men theology is based upon when Shah Reza Pahlavi self appointed himself as King of Kings in 1976 and wore the title of Jesus through costume. I believe he also held the title King of Light. The theory behind the I-men dynasty goes back to when Jesus identified John the Baptist as the prophet Elias because he wore camel's hair and ate locusts with honey. In Mormonism Bringham Young was instructed to dress as the prophet Joseph Smith to get people to follow him west through the united states. Kalki is supposed to be born in tibet and ride the white horse, he can play the role of the man Jesus and still fullfill prophecy just as Jesus played his role to fullfill prophecy. Kalki's role will be just that riding the white horse, as far as conversion goes, in hinduism forgiveness of sins is taught through learning about repentance, good life actions, and the chanting of guaranga, at the guidance of a guru. Jesus is a type of guru because he taught these principles before his self sacrifice. As far as being saved from your sins, even the old testament teaches that obediance is better than sacrifice. That God prefers a contrite spirit and a broken heart over burnt offerings. The chanting of Hare Krishna mantra after repentance and chanting of guaranga is the greatest form of prayer/meditation to bring you back to godhead asking for forgiveness this way is nothing more than the Lord's prayer said another way. The Bible teaches that the blood of Jesus was spilt for all the world's sins, if so, other religions are not excluded from this great gift.

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the name given to the absolute source is called " hari" or "vishnu" in hinduism, This may differ in different relegion, but all religion in some way or the other refers to this source.


there are different reasons, and different situations, in which the source himself, Or the part of his expantion ( direct incarnation ) , or part of his energy ( indirect incarnation ) comes to different planet and many other places of this universe, including this earth, just to make things right, which were going wrong beyond control.


he has taken many forms, like jesus, buddha , parashurama, kurma , Prophet etc which are his indirect incarnations ( because they themselves have told like, I can make no courage to tell this on my own , jesus told, Lord is his father, prophet also got the special mercy to see alla and so on )


also there also exists many direct incarnations like rama, narasimha etc etc


And in rare cases, he himself descends with full potency of the source, which on this planet earth is krishna , ( called in greek as k.risto, from which christ has been derived , even here jesus tells the same thing, jesus CHRIST, means " jesus-->associate or son or energy" of "christ->lord" )


It is not good comparing, these great souls , It is a great Sin, wheather you are a christian, hindu, or muslim , jew or anything else. you all will have to suffer for this.


Also ,note that only this source can incarnate on this world, so there is no doubt which ever divine soul comes to the planet for such purpose, it is definitely, a form or energy of the primary source, which hindus (in vedic culture ) call krishna, This source in muslim world is called alla, and in christian, he is the LORD or FATHER the jesus is referring to.


Alo note, how clever jesus was, he told about 7 clouds ( hevens ), but never told he will be in these heavens , but infact told that he will go to his fathers house. ask for youself why.


also see that there are 7 doors to Hari " the supreme source, krishna " , why


the answer is each door is a symbolic representation of each of these 7 clouds, and in hindu these are considered as doors because our philosophy is like " when you have a top floor, you cant call 5th or 6th or any intermediate floor as top, though these floors (heavens, or clouds ) are higher than the ground floor(earth ) "


also this is the source of "saath janam ka rista"


hope many things are clear, please dont humiliate, such great souls, you are not worth it, nor you have such capabilities to do things.





harirnama harirnama harirnama kevalam

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