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Paramatma/Buddhist techniques?

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"Paramatma can be perceived through meditation, cultivation of knowledge, or by working without fruitive desires. A person in full knowledge of Paramatma understands that the Supersoul is the localized aspect of the Supreme Personality of Godhead within this material world and that the next step is to worship Him as Bhagavan."


The Metta meditational techniques in buddhism give composure to an individual and make him/her more aware of the present situation. Thus making their mind naturally stable and thus calm.


So, is buddhism almost half way to realizing the supreme? because if the mind is calm then the soul will be free to realize God.


Does any one know his Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Srila prabhupada said about this issue(buddhism & KC) ?


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The need to be attentive in one's sadhana strikes me as similar to Buddhist "mindfullness", it is just that one trys to be mindfull of Krsna at everystep.


How can we hear the Names we are chanting if we are engaged in listening to the endless dialouge(chatter) of the mind. The same with all activities of sadhana-bhakti.


Awareness of what we are doing in the moment is crucial.


For example, from the moment one starts to dress to go to the temple become very aware of Who you are dressing for and why. When walking to the temple be aware of where and why you are going, to see God and His friends and servants.


When you enter the temple room and ring the bell or make some noise don't let that simple act become a habit that one does unconsciously. We are announcing our humble appearance before the Lord. Be mindful of the Deity as you ring the bell, Deity door closed or not. And etc.


If we lose track of this we fall into a zombie like sadhana. The body may go through the motions of sadhana-bhakti for decades while the mind continues to fly around all over the place.


Whenever and from wherever the mind wanders it must be brought back to Krsna CONCIOUS practice.


No need to make a separate endeavor of Buddhist practices though. It's already there in its highest form within Krsna consciousness.

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Thank you for the page. But I was searching for prabhupada's quotes on buddhist meditational techniques to increase our awareness of krishna. I do know about his explanations about the philosophy. Anyway, if prabhupada had no problem with their meditational techniques then I guess I can use buddhist awareness techniques to reach krishna.


Thanks again /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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"Can you describe more of the exact nature of these techniques?"


My pleasure dear theist,


"Metta Bhavana is a meditation practice that balances the Insight Meditation. During Insight Meditation we are mostly concerned with purifying the mind and making insights into a more profound reality. In Metta Meditation, we are concerned with the development of wholesome qualities of mind and to share this merit with all beings. Metta, indeed, can be developed only if one gives it to boundless beings without discriminating and without expectation of some thing in return. It should be free of selfishness or attachment. The object of metta meditation should be infinite beings. Therefore metta should be extended towards all beings without exception. May all beings be well and happy, it embraces all living beings.


This meditation simply uses the power of positive thinking and self-suggestion. As soon as I say to myself "I need a holiday", I have made a suggestion to myself. I thing it over and then I make a decision to organise one. This is positive thinking. Soon enough, I go on holiday. That's the outcome, the result of suggesting a holiday to myself, of thinking about it and then making a positive decision.

This meditation uses these techniques to develop good qualities we already have and introduce new wholesome qualities. Once I feel established in these qualities, I can easily share them with others. We are all too familiar with the negative side. If I'm depressed, for instance, and I go out with some friends, it isn't long before everyone whishes I hadn't come. I make everyone miserable. Depression is catching! "



"I'm sure you have experienced walking into a room where there has been an argument and felt the 'atmosphere'. But in this meditation we try to develop quite the opposite states of mind --- friendliness, compassion, joy and peacefulness. It is these we try to share with others and this is called the Sharing of Merit. Here is a simple formula, but once you feel you understand it, you can add to it or make up your own if you wish.

Before we send out wholesome qualities to other beings, we have to develop them in ourselves, so we should given metta to ourselves."


-Birmingham Buddhist Vihara.


In my opinion, the buddhist meditation increases awareness in reality. So, the mind stops fantasizing about useless thoughts. Then, If I do this with awareness of reality /awareness of krishna, then that would lead to perfection of life... I am trying to do it right now. However, before I start, I wanted to find stuff on if prabhupada said anything about it... if he didn't then I guess I can do it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


The meditation makes the mind peaceful though, that is for sure.






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