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Hey, I think i'm very serious abt Atmasakshatkara....self or God realisation.

I sometimes feel that i'm going to exteremes....I try to concentrate and remember God most of the time, I feel that i'm ignoring people or being self centered. I'm am planning to study MBA in a year or two . The only reason i postporned studying was that I wanted to do some Sadhana(very serious)So that I will not forget Lord Vishwadhruta in the future while studying etc and the other reason being that my parents might get me married in a year or so. I do not know what sort of people will they be to continue the Sadhana in such intensity, I hate going out with my friends, watching TV etc etc etc etc .....I'm soo engrossed in this stuff that I dont feel like speaking to anyone....if i start talking....something inside me says that i should stop speaking and think of the lord Vishwadhruta as i might forget him.



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You are thinking about Krishna, but you should not just think about krishna, but also act for krishna.


Your life with krishna should be Dynamic! not static! if it is static , he will fall asleep /images/graemlins/smile.gif



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I know how you feel! It's like I don't want to do any of the things I used to do. However, Krishna advises Arjuna that he still must perform his duty, while remembering Krishna. Therefore, you should continue with your plans of graduate school. As far as getting married, I would only marry a fellow devotee- rather than having your parents arrange a marriage. But, maybe it could work out that you introduce your future wife to Krishna too. Anyway, you still need to perform your duties in devotion to Krishna. Also, like Govindaram said, everyone is also looking for Krishna themselves, even if they don't know it, so help them out by talking about Him. Haribol!

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"Hey, I think i'm very serious abt Atmasakshatkara....self or God realisation."


if you behave as you have said in your message, you are not so serious, a real devotee is dear to everyone and he see krsna in everyone

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if you behave as you have said in your message, you are not so serious, a real devotee is dear to everyone and he see krsna in everyone



Lets not judge or chastize anyone we can't get details from. It appears they are doing what they know. And when they know better, they will do better.


We can use these boards to help adivse such sincere seekers a better way to advance spiriutally.


Dear poster, Sravanam Kirtanam, start with hearing and chanting the holy names: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krisha Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. In this age of kali - it is the best way to get out of the material world and go back to Home, back to Godhead.




Maya S,


I hope you will forgive our one godbrother here and notice the rest of us want to help you in any area you wish to inquire about. If you would like some books to read, here are two of my favorite links:



That one is a pure or unaltered version of the Gita.





This one is Krishna Book or 10th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam in lovely story format.


(Admin5: edited to restore one of Pritaa's post by including it in one of her other posts.)

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Humility; pridelessness; nonviolence; tolerance; simplicity; approaching a bona fide spiritual master; cleanliness; steadiness; self-control; renunciation of the objects of sense gratification; absence of false ego; the perception of the evil of birth, death, old age and disease; detachment; freedom from entanglement with children, wife, home and the rest; even-mindedness amid pleasant and unpleasant events; constant and unalloyed devotion to Me; aspiring to live in a solitary place; detachment from the general mass of people; accepting the importance of self-realization; and philosophical search for the Absolute Truth—all these I declare to be knowledge, and besides this whatever there may be is ignorance.



maya_s, You are exhibiting symptoms of one who has acquired knowledge by desiring detachment from the general society. It is difficult to reconcile this with the world we are presently living in.


I don't know where you live or if there is an Iskcon temple or one of a sister organization close to you or not. But somehow try to connect up with people of a like mind and who want to cultivate love for Krsna like yourself. We need the association of others on the path.


On this site you will find many of Srila Prabhupada's books that you can read online.




Please go to the Gita there and open it. Then find the corresponding verse to the one above and click on the verse number. This will open up the commentary on these verses for a fuller explanation.


Hare Krsna


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I'm not Rude here....

But would like to mention something....


Only a god realised person has all the qualities....mentioned in the Gita, I am nooo god realised one......I'm striving for it....Do u have all the qualities in u???? that u r saying that i'm not serious......please stop finding fault with others..look into urself first ...pleaseeeee.


By the Way...I'm in Bangalore....Thankz others for asking me to visit ISKCON temple..I have been there once..I prefer going to Raghavendra swamy matha on a regular basis......Anyways I have the blessings of Guru Raghavendra swamy, SriVyasathirtha, Sripadarajathirtha, Jayathirtha, Vadirajathirtha, Purandaradasa, Kanakadasa, Vijayadasa etc.....Madhvacharya and my beloved SriHari.


Thanks for ur advice...Bye

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I'm not Rude here....

But would like to mention something....



Maya, I just wanted to make sure you knew its not you we were referring to as rude, but a man who was making offensive comments. Tho you must have read some of his nonsense posts. But I see the moderator removed one of his posts. (Thank you Jn.) We are happy to ansewr your questions, and happy to have you here.

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I hope mr. rude no name guest is proud of himself!


Maya S. I do hope you come back to visit us. I apologize to you for your being offended by this no name guest. Please understand he does not represent the forum and hopefully will not be around any longer.


I hate that the whole forum could be judged and ruined by these offensive characters.

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