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Article on Dreaming State

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I am presently reading this book called The Saints of Vraja by O.B.L. Kapoor. He gives these short accounts from the lives of some saints of Vraja. I am loving this book so far and am just a little ways into it.


I will type out one small section that gives a glimpse into this subject from the high Vaisnava's angle.


If someone knows where this book is online please share that info.






Amongst the siddha mahatmas of Vrndavana the personality of siddha Nityananda Dasa Baba Ji, disciple of siddha Krsnadaa Baba of Govardhana, was unique. His lila-smarana(inner experience of the divine lila), whether in the state of jagarana (waking), svapna (dreamimg), or susupti (deep sleep), was continuous like a stream. In his waking state it appeared as if he was asleep, because in waking he controlled his bhava and remained mostly grave, motionless and samadhistha (absorbed in deep meditation). When made to get up by his disciples for essential activities like bathing and eating, he got up like one who was in deep sleep. But in sleep while experiencing lila he laughed, wept, or talked as if he was awake; because in sleep it was not possible for him to control bhava. Therefore, it was not possible to determine whether at any particular time he was asleep or awake.




It appears that what I call day and night have no meaning to such souls as Sri Nityanada Das Baba Ji. It seems he lives in a way that reverses these concepts or perhaps day and night really have no meaning to him at all.


See Bg 2.69


Hare Krsna



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Dear Brother,


Have u heard of LORD JESUS CHRIST,

He is the LORD and sAVIOUR, he lived on earth and died on cross without sin , with his blood we are saved, and LORD JESUS CHRIST is coming soon,




Just think about ur Krishna, he was born as an 8th child to the couples, lik me and u born, had a girl friend RADHA,

and had 1008 girl friends and married other 2 ladies. And he died by a human being..


R U all worshiping such a personality,


And other thing He never exists.. only myths...

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R U all worshiping such a personality,


And other thing He never exists.. only myths...



Dear born-again- Christian,


I prefer to believe in religions whose followers can write in complete sentences.



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