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The decline of the United States in prophecy

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According to many books in the bible, in the near future the U.S. will no longer be the superpower of the world. The United States of America will decline in strength and the European Union will become the new world power. Many predict this scenario is just around the corner. What are your thoughts on this? Will it happen or no?

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well that sounds like stuff from my

kkk/masons thread.


many christian sects believe in the prophecy

from the bible that has america as eventual

home of a tribe of israel,one of the lost ten tribes.


puritans,pentacostals,mormons, and others share this ideology, that britain and america are spoken of in

the bible when the bible refers to the tribes

of ephraim and manessah, the children of joseph,

in the tribe of Jacob who was also called israel.


these two tribes coming from josephs sons, are believed

by many christians and masons ,to be the "house of israel"

in biblical prophecy.


not to be confused with the "house of judah" who

are called jews today.


in biblical times palestine was split into

two kingdoms, the kingdom of judea or judah in the south

with jerusalem as it's capital, and the kingdom

of Israel or Samaria in the north.


the judeans were the tribes of judah,benjamin,and the levites

or priestly caste.


the Samarians were the rest, Ten tribes in all,

including the line from jacob or the "house of israel"(jacob).


the northen tribes,became the ten lost tribes,

according to these christian sects and some mason

sects, these ten lost tribes migrated into europe,

by sea and land,to ireland,england and scotland by sea,

and eastern,northern,and western europe by land after

being enlaved by the assyrians, along the way they lost their

language,history and culture.


the tribe of judah was taken by babylons king to babylon

as slaves then returned after 150 years to israel,

their descendents are todays jewish people.


the lost tribes became europeans, one tribe became the British (Brit-in hebrew means covenant, ish-means people of)

the other was scattered around europe.


eventually the british colonized america and the other tribes

migrated to america as the immigrants of the past 200



so many christians believ prophecy in the bible

about "the house of Israel" refers to the british empire

and america, the jews today are believed to

be spoken of in prophecy as the "house of judah".

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