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How to quit smoking and drinking habits

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How do u quit these habits like smoking/drinking ,, I have tried it before , but fail after each time,, Can anyone help.. Please motivate me in full gear so that i stay with Krishna forever,,

HareBol !!

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Hare Krishna


Taking up chanting, reading Gita, Bhagavatam,

Listening to Lectures/Bhajans, filling

your mind with these activities will

make you disgusted with material gratification,

also it just be noted that becoming arrogant

that you have gave up these habits will

not help, also the mind is strong so

don't give it a chance,


It can take time for some people to give-up,

these habits, in my case it took time,

there's no magic thing somebody can say to

you, but to gain your GOAL of life (KRISHNA)

you have to give-up these things,

weigh them up in you mind, what's more

important? You can give-up soon don't worry.


Also good devotee association is essential,

in the long run...



<font color="red"> Sri Radha-Krishna harinama is the cure </font color> (anti-virus)

<font color="red"> criticizing is the disease </font color> (virus)



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meet and stay with people with none of these bad habits, devotees for example


and chant hare krishna avoiding more as possible all the offences, it is very important to continue to practice even if maya is saying "you are unqualified, your chant is useless if you do not follow regolative principles!! better to stop bothering krsna.."


definitely no..... chanting is the goal and the medicine

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I have had the similar problems and yet im known as an elder devotee.

When i gave up the idea that im the enjoyer and stopped thinking that the wordly pleasures are real pleasures, something started to happen. Then i also had to give up the idea that IM strong enough to stop my habits alone and without Krishna. One has to give this problem to Krishna and to the devotees. Then only one can sinserelly make some progress. Devotees have been praying for me and no i can feel its helping.


I will pray for you and may Srila Prabhupada help you!


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