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not just anti-semiticism, but anti humanity

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Haribol. I know where Jagat is coming from, and I will not confuse the issue by making subtle linkage between Jews and Zionists. While Zionism is soundly rejected by many Hebrew Scholars, many Jews "think" that it is part of their faith. But they just hate, that is all.


Not unlike so-called christians that accept manifest destiny doctrine that places artificial superiority with nations, religions, etc. Just false doctrine, through and through.


Not unlike those who want to exhibit the swastika or talk about aryan superiority, thinking that it is okay because the vedas and the anthropoligists have swastikas and aryan culkture as part of their science. No, yall throw out that swastika because yall like adolph and are affected by the goebbles propaganda machine.


Attachment to swastika is foolish, and doesnt jive with anything taught by Srila Prabhupada. And, by throwing it out there, all you do is cause pain to a great number of innocent people who were brutalized by the symbol. So you can say it is ganeshas sign all you want, but you cannot deny that is burned and gassed not only your number one enemy, the jews, but the sign was also responsible for the murders of gyupsies, ethiopians, arabs, americans, british, women, children. I think ganesh took another symbol anyway, and maybe that thing you worship is an impediment that ganesh will remove from you as well, if you are pleasing to him.


The only thing that can be said about anyone who wishes for anothers destruction is that they are the lowest of mankind. Anyone who blames another for their problems, either socially, politically, or theologically, such a person denies that the real source for your problems can be viewed in the mirror. Krsna is the cause of all causes, so if one desires the death of another because they want to be relieved from their troubles, they also should wish Krsna's death as well, because He did it to you.


mad mahax

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