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Jai Srila Prabhupad. Can someone help me use this site. THis is a nice site. I think this is great for vedic culture and krsna consciousness. I dont know why everyone thinks it has something to do with "hinduism" when the actual words doesnt exist in the vedas or puranas.


Frankly when someone calls me a hindu i find it to be quite insulting.


Help me none the less. Hare krsna

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Yeah, you are right. When I do preach and if someone asks me if I am hindu I usually tell them yes for the first little while until we get deeper, then i mention we are not these bodies etc, and there is no such thing as hinduism.


SO anyways, how exactly do we use this website anyways. I think i have a good grip on it

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seems like you are doing fine. Just follow a topic that interests you.


If someone says they assume I am a hindu, I usually say no, just a part of God that has lost his way. Something like that usually gets a response like "what do you mean?" Then I can go a little farther.


But there is no one formula that I have found when talking to someone. Well other than building up some rapport and being honest about my beginner status. I also find it helpful to try and remember to talk to the soul, our fellow brother/sister soul.

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No,use it,itds not mine, its just a fact. Lost soul etc. Phrases like that, for me, are a good way to start. Otherwise I fall into the "preacher mode" the "imparter of eternal truth" etc. When the truth is I can't even follower vaidhi-bhakti with any regularity.


For so long I wouldn't leave my home without my soapbox. Now I have seen that all my posturing has just been a device my mind set up for me as a way of hiding from the truth about the condition I am really in.


Its just too heavy a burden to carry around anymore. Cuts me off from myself and the true selves of everyone else.


Hare Krsna



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