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Even I can be God.

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Wow, today anyone can claim to be God and thousands of people will flock to them. Very interesting. Great business too.


From Phalgu Baba,Sai afro Baba, the hugging lady god, to The Adi Da(a new guy who claims to become god when he was meditating on his roof and Lord Shiva entered him and then parvati came and he had union with her and thats how he became god. THousands of people follow him, mostly women


Wow, when there is so many "Gods" to choose from the market for this job definatly has a future.


About a week ago my friend and I was discussing this same point that anyone can say some flowery words and become god. We said why not we do some flowery words have a gimmick and we too can become god.


So why not make cut a piece of wood that fits in your palm and start tapping on it. People will be curious and they will ask why are you tapping? We can say "shhhhhh...just tap and everything will come to you?


Mix in some flowery words with a hint of catchy clothing and you are god. Just say tap on this only wood and you too can achieve God Realisation and that the self within you ist the God you have been searching for and . like this.


Just Tap....shhhhhh....tap.....tap.....tap.....


We can name it something cool too.


Got any interesting names for this? If so please reply.


Anyone can reply, as this is meant for entertainment purposes only, if anyone actually decides to do this dont hold me accountable but if you do make some money then we will have lunch.



Thank you


Hare krsna...ahhh shhhhh just tap.


Hari Dham


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