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Do u think you are a woman?

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Hare krsna Everyone. This is Haridham.


I am just recalling a story from bookdistribution i had once. I have many stories but here is something small to discuss if we can.


While doing books, a woman approached me and said "why does your culture say that women arent intelligent"?


My Reply, "Do you think that you are a woman"


Her Reply, "Well yeah I have to be i guess"


THen I said "then you arent intelligent if you think you are woman. You are not this body. I told her that our culture describes the nature of the body a perticular soul carries. There are many men who are arent intelligent, simply because they think they are men"


This got her attention and we conversed some more. I dont know what happened to her but what i could tell was that she left with a more clear understand of vedic culturee and she even took a book.


So any comments.


Hare krsna.

Hari Dham

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