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PRANKS of Krishna Part I

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<font color="brown"> A MOONBEAM OF SHEER ASTONISHMENT </font color>

<font color="#666666"> by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura. </font color>


<font color="red"> CAST OF CHARACTERS </font color>


SRI KRISHNA - the moon-like Supreme Personality of Godhead, a prankish cowherd brahmacari Who lives with His parents at Nanda-gram in Vraja.


VIDYAVALI - Sri Krishna disguised as the learned daughter of Garga Muni.


KALAVALI - Sri Krishna disguised as the artistic young girl-singer, and later the cousin of Srimati Radharani.


SRIMATI RADHARANI - the softest heart of Sri Krishna revealed in personified sweetnesss as the Queen of Vrndavana. She is marrried to Abhimanyu by the divine illusory arrangement of Yoga-maya, and lives in Yavat-gram (2 miles from Nanda-gram) in the house of Abhimanyu's mother Jatila, Her bumbling, senile mother-in-law. Thus she is living several miles away from Her mother and father (Kirtida and Vrsabhanu) who still live at Barsana.


SRI YASODA - the queen of Vraja and foster mother of Sri Krishna


SRI NANDA MAHARAJA - the King of Vraja and foster father of Sri Krishna. Together with Yasoda, he rules the cowherd community from Krishna's Palace in Nanda-gram.


ABHIMANYU - The foolish and dull-witted cowherd boy, who by Yoga-maya's illusion, appears to be the husband of Srimati Radharani; but in reality, never touches Her or has any factual relationship.


KUTILA - the crooked, dull-witted sister of Abhimanyu.


JATILA - the crazy old lady of Yavat and mother of Abhimanyu. Together with Kutila, Jatila alway tries to find fault with Srimati Radharani and spoil all Her divine pastimes.


LALITA - the closest girlfriend of Srimati Radharani. Lalita is older than Sri Radha and she is very defensive and sharp-witted in playing along with the divine pastimes.


VISAKHA - Sri Radhika's twin girlfriend. Born on the very same instant as Sri Radha, Sri Visakha shares identical beauty, identical charms and identical wit.


RUPA MANJARI - the closest maidservant of Lalita, and the personal attendant of Sri Radhika.


TULASI MANJARI - another name for Sri Rati Manjari, who is a very dear maidservant of Radhika.


LAVANGA-LATIKA - Radha's maidservant who resides and serves in Sri Krishna's house at Nanda-gram.


DHANISTHA - an older girl who assists the Divine Couple's pastimes in a very confidential mood.


GARGI - The daughter of the great sage Garga Muni. She is very learned in all the Vedic scriptures.


KUNDA-LATA - Krishna's girl-cousin. She is the wife of Subhadra, who is the son of Upananda, Nanda Maharaja's older brother.


PAURNAMASI - the mother of Sandipani Muni (Sri Krishna's guru and grandmother of the cowherd boy jokester Madhumangala. She is actually Yoga-maya Herself, appearing as an elderly saintly woman always dressed in white, and she arranges all the Vraja pastimes in favor of Sri Sri Radha-Syama's meeting.



<font color="blue"> FIRST PRANK </font color>


~~<font color="red"> The Meeting in the Box </font color>~~


yatkarunyam suci-rasa-camatkara-varam nidhims tan

nrbhyo radha-girivara-bhrtoh sparsayat-taryayen nah

tasyaivakam prsatam aciral-labdhum asaksi danaih

so 'vyat mrtyor dasana-vitateh krsna-caitanya-rupah


Whose merciful compassion

causes all people to come into contact

with the ocean of spotlessly pure

divine mellows of utter astonishment...


(In other words, when the people's minds touch upon the fathomless

ocean of wonderful conjugal pastimes of Sri Sri Radha- Krishna

after obtaining His mercy...)


...making us all thirsty for such rasa...

(Namely, making us all anxious to enter into these most

brilliantly blossoming mellow pastimes of Sri Sri Radha-



This Supreme Person Himself

in the form of Sri Krishna Chaitanya


By bestowing upon all of us

the eyes of perpetual hope

for obtaining a drop of that ocean

brimming with pure astonishment-mellows...


May He thus protect us

from the gaping jaws and sharp teeth

of the crocodile of death.


... <font color="red"> One day </font color> ...at Nanda-gram...in the morning, Sri Yasoda is placing

some very nice enjoyable things within a large wooden box. As she is packing the box with different kinds of clothing and ornaments, Sri Krishna happens to come along and begins to question her.


He asks, "My dear mother! What are you doing at this time of the morning?"


Yasoda replies, "My dear Son! I am filling up this box."


Sri Krishna: "What is it that you are keeping so carefully within the box?"


Yasoda: "My Son! Why do you need to know? Just go outside now and play with Your dear boyfriends."


Sri Krishna: "I really want to know what you are doing! If you don't tell me, then I will not leave this room!"


Yasoda: "Within this box, I am putting sandalwood sticks, jewelled pollen of the camphor lotus, musk, and red kunkum powder for making nice scented body-ointments. And for making different kinds of dresses, I am packing extremely valuable cloth, waist

ornaments made of tiny tinkling bells, earrings, bangles, uncommonly rare lapis-lazuli gems, emeralds and pearls."


Sri Krishna: "All these things you are packing in the box...are they for me? Or are they meant for my Brother Balarama?"


Yasoda: "My delightful Son! I will tell You, if You will listen. There is another box that I have already prepared for You, and it is much bigger than this one. It is filled with very valuable jewels and cloth. I have also prepared a similar one for your Brother, Balarama."


Sri Krishna: "If you are not preparing this box for Me or for My older Brother, then who are you preparing it for, anyway? Who is such a dear object of your affection?"


Yasoda: "Just as Providence has bestowed You upon me as a result of my meritorious austerities performed in the past, in the same way, there is one Daughter here in Gokula who is like the medicine that sustains my very life. She is just like soothing camphor for my otherwise burning eyes. It is Her clothing and ornaments that I am keeping in this box. Lord Brahma has created many different feminine qualities such as beauty, good behavior, devotion to superiors, shyness, simplicity, humility, and so on. But there is one Girl Who is such that when all those good qualities take shelter of Her, then only can they become great. Usually, if ordinary girls take shelter of such feminine qualities, then the girls become great. But there is one Girl Who is so wonderful, that when all those good womanly qualities take shelter of Her, then the qualities themselves thereby become truly glorious! This is most amazing! This Girl's name is SRI RADHA, and it is for Her that I have natural love and affection."



As soon as Sri Krishna hears Sri Radha's divine name and qualities being described by His mother's own mouth, His entire body erupts in little bumps of ecstatic delight, which He immediately covers up with His cloth. Then, filled with incredibly intense enthusiasm, He again questions Mother Yasoda.



Sri Krishna: "My dear mother! Who is this Girl? Whose Daughter is She, and where does She live? How is it that you have such intense love and affection for Her? Kindly explain everything to Me."


Yasoda: "My dear Son! Listen! From the jewel-mine of my girlfriend Kirtida's womb has arisen a sinless, matchless Jewel of a Daughter. By the shimmering waves of this Jewel's aura, She is illuminating the sun itself. Usually, the sun makes ordinary jewels shine brightly, but this Daughter-jewel born to Kirtida and Maharaja Vrsabhanu is so effulgent that Her aura makes even the brightest summer sun perk up and shine still more brightly.


This Girl is verily the personified austerities of King Vrsabhanu and she lives at the palace that he made for Her at Yavat, along with Her husband, Abhimanyu. But just now, Her husband has arrived here at our home in Nanda-gram. He is outside with your

father, the King of the Pasturland Nanda Maharaja, tending to some household affairs. When Abhimanyu comes to this inner chamber to see me before leaving, then I will tell him in sweet words,


"Oh, Abhimanyu! Please take this box yourself and, carrying

it back to your home, kindly offer it to your good wife, Sri



While Yasoda is thus conversing with Sri Kishna, a maidservant named Lavanga-latika comes into the room. Approaching mother Yasoda, she announces,


"Oh Queen of the Pasturelands! Those two expert goldsmiths

named Rangana and Tankana, whom you have called for, have

just arrived outside."


Hearing this, the lovely-faced Yasoda then says to the girl Dhanistha,


"Oh Dhanistha! I am going outside now for a few minutes in

order to arrange for the manufacture of Krishna's ornaments,

crowns, earrings and bracelets. Please stay here and keep

an eye on this box until I return."


Saying this, Yasoda then leaves the room.


Just then, some of Krishna's dearest, most confidential cowherd boyfriends, headed by Subala, arrive on the scene. In the topmost bliss, Krishna has a little discussion with them. Then, taking the box to a solitary place, they open it up. Removing all the

jewels, clothing and ornaments, and entrusting it all to Dhanistha's hands, Krishna then climbs into the box. Subala and the other boys close the lid and place the box just as it was before.


After a little while, Sri Yasoda returns. Then, the dull-witted Abhimanyu comes in to offer his respects to Yasoda before he returns home to Yavat. Seeing Abhimanyu bowing down, Sri Yasoda inquires of his welfare, and then instructs him,


"Oh Abhimanyu! I have prepared a box full of jewelled

ornaments for you Wife. It contains many riches like spotless

gemstones and gold necklaces, many different types of cloth, as

well as various ointments like musk, camphor and so on. So many

nice things are packed in different layers; I want you to

personally take this box and offer it to Sri Radhika, because I

don't trust anyone else to do it responsibly. Present it to Her

in a solitary place, and relay to Her this message of mine...


sandestavya tvayi madaksi-sukhade! sri kirtida-kirtide!

radhe! presita-petikantara gaten atyujjvala jyotisa


tvad gatrocita mandanena nitaram tvad vallabhena


tvam srngaravati sada bhava ciranjiveti sambhogyatah


"Oh You Who gives pleasure to my eyes! Oh You Who bestows

fame and glory upon Kirtida! Oh Radhe! Within this box, I have

sent You an extremely brilliant aura. It consists of ornaments

just befitting Your body, and I am sure that You will cherish them

to the utmost. By all of these dear things, may You become

radiantly decorated every day; Thus achieving great fortune and

happiness, may You become enthused with newer life forever and



Hearing this from Yasoda, Abhimanyu replies,


"Oh Vrajesvari! As you have ordered me, I will faithfully

carry it out."


Saying this, he lifts the box up onto his head and starts for home in a loving mood.


The moon-like Sri Krishna, being carried upon Abhimanyu's head, thus travels on for a rendezvous with Abhimanyu's own Wife - Who is Krishna's own dearmost Priya Radhika. Thus throwing Himself into an ocean of novel prankish fun, He breaks into a sweet, mischievous grin within the box.


That foolish, dull-brained cowherd boy Abhimanyu then begins to think to himself, "Today I have really become rich - I have now become fortunate and successful. Judging by the weight of this box, I can just imagine how many heaps of pure gold and jewels must be packed inside. With all this wealth, I will purchase millions of cows. Thus, just like my friend Govardhana Malla, I will have the Goddess of Fortune fixed permanently in my own home."


Thinking like this again and again while travelling with the box on his head from Nanda-gram, Abhimanyu arrives before his own home at Yavat with his entire body studded with bumps of joy and his eyes brimming with tears of loving bliss. Thus, feeling such

great happiness, he could not perceive even for a second the fatigue of carrying such a load upon his head. The reason for this is ... would anyone feel any difficulty carrying such a divine object composed of thickly condensed, absolutely complete

ecstatic bliss such as Sri Krishna ???


Going into his home, Abhimanyu addresses his mother, Jatila,


"My dear mother! Today I must have left the house at an

auspicious moment, for I have been blessed with the fortune of

obtaining this box full of gold, jewels, ornaments and cloth. Sri

Yasoda has sent some matchless gifts for your Daughter-in- law, Sri

Radhika, and she has sent this message for Her as well:


sandestavya tvayi madaksi-sukhade! sri kirtida-kirtide


radhe! presita-petikantara gaten atyujjvala jyotisa

tvad gatrocita mandanena nitaram tvad vallabhena


tvam srngaravati sada bhava ciranjiveti sambhogyatah


"Oh You Who gives pleasure to my eyes! Oh You Who bestows

fame and glory upon Kirtida! Oh Radhe! Within this box, I have

sent You an extremely brilliant aura. It consists of ornaments

just befitting Your body, and I am sure that You will cherish them

to the utmost. By all of these dear things, may You become

radiantly decorated day after day; thus achieving great fortune

and happiness, may You become enthused with newer life forever and



Hearing all this, the foolish old woman Jatila becomes blissfully overwhelmed and begins to think to herself, "Today, by the power of great Fortune, a wonderful thing has happened. Obtaining such a matchless gift today, my Daughter-in-law will now become very pleased with my son Abhimanyu..."


Then, Jatila openly laughs and laughs and says,


"My dear son! This box is so heavy that even myself, your

Wife and your sister Kutila together could not possibly lift it;

therefore, you kindly lift it and bring it into Vrsabhanu-

nandini's bedroom, placing it upon the raised platform there.

Once it is there, then She can quickly and easily open it up and

see all of the wonderful gifts and dearmost ornaments inside."


Following the order of his mother, Abhimanyu then carries the box toward Sri Radhika's bedroom.


Seeing the large box upon Abhimanyu's head as he carries it in, Lalita and all the other girlfriends and maidservants perk up and feel supreme bliss. Sri Radhika's left eyelid, arm, breast, and thigh begin to vibrate and twitch ( which is considered a sign of

auspiciousness). Because of that, Sri Radha gleefully addresses



"My dear, girlfriend! This dreadful abode of My mother-in-

law is completely pervaded only with the most depressing,

miserable suffering - so how is it that My left eyelid, arm,

breast and thigh are suddenly dancing without any reason? It

seems as if there is no possibility whatsoever of observing such

an auspicious sign here, what to speak of obtaining the

benediction of seeing such a sign come true as long as I am

trapped here in this horrible place."


Lalita replies, "Sri Radhe! I can only guess that within this box is a most fascinating Manohara-ornament (1. ornaments made of the best of fascinating jewels, or 2. Manohara, the mind-enchanting Sri Krishna). Your limbs twitched as an auspicious

indication of obtaining such a rare gift. My dearest girlfriend! This type of twitching is only indicative of obtaining the absolute zenith of good fortune!"



Sri Radhika says,


"Oh Lalita! Just by seeing this box, my mind has become

surcharged with an indescribably ecstatic mood - I can't even

begin to try and put it into words! Opening up the box that has

just come into My own home, I will now see what jewelled ornament

is inside that will bestow such a great fortune upon Me."


As Srimati Radharani and Sri Lalita are thus conversing with one another, Abhimanyu brings the box in, places it upon the raised platform just before Her bed, recites the verse sent by Mother Yasoda, and then leaves.


Thereafter, all the girls, wondering "What's inside the box? What's inside the box?!" completely surround the box in the most extemely eager curiosity as Sri Radhika Herself leaves Her other ornaments aside and quickly begins to open it. The very second she opens the lid, the moon-like Sri Krishna suddenly springs out of the box and stands upright.


Seeing Him there instead of valuable clothing, ornaments and cosmetics, all the girls who are surrounding the box exclaim, "AH HA !!!!! OH MY GOODNESS !!! WHAT'S THIS ??? OH !!! as they clap their hands, joyfully laughing and giggling."


The crocodile-like mood of Cupid's invisible presence within the room suddenly manifests and begins to swallow up all the bodily limbs of the girls, who are not fully covered with cloth in the privacy of Sri Radha's bedroom. The maidservants, who were lying about resting, then get up very quickly in shy embarrassment. Topmost divine bliss flows in hundreds and thousands of churning waves, which swell and flourish about the room.


As for Sri Krishna, the Abode of all Artistries, He feels fully satisfied in His own prestige. Exhibiting majestic motions of such a mild and soft gentle manner, He kisses all of the girls' faces, one after another.


Then Lalita says to Sri Radhika,


"Oh Radhe! This "decoration" that has come is indeed

glorious! Your husband who brought it is also glorious, Sri

Yasoda who sent it is also glorious, and her message to You, "Oh

Radhe! May you become decorated by that which I am sending" is

also glorious; and this house, the place where this box is

sporting, is also glorious! My dear friend! Sri Radhe! You have

been ordered by Sri Yasoda, "You should become decorated by that

which I have sent." That order was also repeated by Your husband

and mother-in-law. Therefore, strictly following the order of

Your three superiors, proclaim Your own ideal behaviour to the

world by such practice of righteous etiquette. In other words,

just become decorated with the jewelled ornament that was sent in

the box and thus dutifully honor the order of Your three




Hearing these words of Lalita, Sri Radhika becomes very embarrassed, and She blushes in meek shyness. A moment later, She smiles lightly and says,


"My dear Lalita! A rascal Thief has stolen all the clothes

and ornaments that were given Me by Ma Yasoda. Taking them out of

the box, He has kept them in some other place while keeping

Himself hidden within. Go right now and explain all this to My

mother-in-law Jatila, and quickly bring her here."


Then Lalita says to Sri Krishna,


"Oh clandestine rendezvous-lover of Radha! Rascal carried by

Abhimanyu! You rode on Abhimanyu's head in order to rendezvous

with his own wife, Sri Radhika! By doing this, are You desirous

of seeing the earth become completely bereft of all chaste women?

Well, all right, what's done is done - but now You should

immediately return all the cloth and jewels that You stole from

inside the box; if not, then by bringing Jatila here, I will

expose the real truth of Your fame and glory."


Hearing this, Sri Krishna then says,


"Oh my dear Lalita! Your Girlfriend Radharani is very

crooked, and She is extremely skilled in serving Her own selfish

purposes. I entered this box while playing at home, and your

Girlfriend sends Her husband to forcibly carry away Me and the

box, bringing Me here just to be framed with this bogus



Then, laughing and laughing, He says to Sri Radhika,


"My dear Radhe! I became fascinated by smelling the natural

wooden fragrance of this box; sending all of the items it

contained to You via Dhanistha, I then climbed into the box just

to make Myself nicely scented. Right at that moment, Your husband

happened to come along by chance and brought Me here."


After saying this to Sri Radhika, He says to all of Radha's assembled girlfriends,


"Oh assembly of girls! I now place the topic of this

accusation before you all. Just think it over carefully and then

decide - if Sri Radhika is at fault, then I will rightfully punish

Her; or if I'm at fault, then I will allow Myself to be tied up

in the binding-noose of each and every one of your arms. In this

way I will voluntarily spend three nights of miserable

imprisonment here..."



* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

yasyaivam vibhavena tan-nava-yuva-dvandvam sphurat-yauvanam

sakhyastaksi cakorikam sara-tatim kamo rasah svaditam


dhyanam bhakta-tati sada kavi-kulam sviya vicitra girah

kirtim ksma bhuvanesu sadhu saphali-cakre numastam param


That fresh young Couple

radiating splendrous eternal agelessness

By this sort of wonderful influence

Who has made fully-blossomed Fame

spread throughout all the worlds

in the most boldly fulfilling way


By the thirsty eyes of Their girlfriends

By the piercing love-arrows of Cupid,

By the tasting of divine mellows,

By the meditations of Their devotees,

By the wonderful statements of Their poets...


I offer my most humble, prostrated obeisances to Their Divine


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(The Meeting in the Box)

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