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So many groups

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Hare krsna everyone, this is haridham with another interesting post.


Well for this topic i am dissusing or attempt to discuss the overwhelming number of 'spiritual or religious' groups especially in india.


Now if you visit a country like india, you are surely to get confused and flustered when you see all this especially if you havent read the vedas. Ofcourse many people havent. We have Srila prabhupad who has given us the do's and dont's of spiritual life and india.


From Sai 'afro' baba, Ramkrishna mission, and others to some out there who claim they can show u god in 6 months. Wow amazing isnt it. Who to trust? Who to follow?


Now ofcourse all these groups are saying nice things, doing good welfare work but are they part of any sampradaya. Perticularly the four sampradayas "Brahma madava gaudiya, Sri Sampradaya, Rudra Sampradaya or Kumara Sampradaya?????


Well if they are not in those four then they are not legit. People cant just concoct anything they wish on a public with no knowledge because they know some sanskrit and such. Heck even Ravana knew sanskrit but we know what he did right.


They all claim to be god from Sai 'afro Baba to Ramkrishna and such. They are many new ones in india probably throwing their hats in to become the next gods.


Now, for me anyway when i see pictures of these people i dont see any aura or sense anything that would prove to me that they are gods or gurus for that matter.


When I saw Prabhupad the case was different.


So its upto you who you want to believe.


Just chant and read prabhupads books.


hare krsna



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