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Indian Philosophy

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Indian Philosophy


When one tries to explain Indian philosophy, it does not follow that the Indian Philosophy is something, separate from religion. While religion in India is a way of life, philosophy is the science on whose foundation the religion is built. Philosophy is the thought-process, that emanated in the mental laboratories of the great Rishis of India over the millennium. They are not blind statements of beliefs or fixed norms of thoughts.


When one carefully discerns the several aspects of the thought-process in Indian Philosophy, it would be clear that the outlook is scientifically moulded. The Science of "Anu" that is atom is always intermixed with Philosophy. The four Vedas are the starting point for all Indian philosophy. Veda is a word derived from "Vid", that is to "know" and the knowledge derived from the Vedas is called "DIVINE KNOWLEDGE". Accepting a historian's version, Vedas are generally composed around 4500 to 2000 B.C in Sanskrit language. It is generally agreed that the Vedas are revealed from Brahman -the creator, to the Rishis through Breath. Vedas are revealed and not composed or written.



The Four Vedas are RIG VEDA, YAJUR VEDA, SAMA VEDA, and ATHARVA VEDA. It is difficult to assign any age to the antiquities of Vedas. Most of the ancient Rishis like Jaimini and Saayana regard Vedas as co-existed with the creation. Prof H Jacobi has a basis in thinking on certain Rig Vedic hymns and determines the age of Rig Veda to somewhere between 4500 B.C and 2500 B.C.


The quintessence of the Vedas is brought out in revelations of Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita, Badarayana's (Vedavyasa) Brahma Sutra, in the 18 Puranas and the two great epics of Ramayana and Mahabharatha Churning all the above great masterpieces. The three great Acharyas, Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhva poured out the unique philosophical approach to Indian Philosophy in their inimitable style propounding Adwaita, Dwaita and Vishitadwaita.



1026 Suktas ( Vedic Hymns)

Divided into 8 Ashtakas (Khandas) - Sections

Each Section is divided into Sections

Total Verses: 10,417 Total words: 1,53,826


Rigveda addresses nature in its bounty, Praises the creation and extol the powers of the great elements that form the nature or the creation. The elements are deified and prominent of them are : INDRA- the lord of the Heaven, AGNI- Lord of the Fire and SURYA-Lord of Sun, ADITI-the Lord of Expanse and VARUNA - Lord of Rains, are Much extolled.



Is composed from the hymns taken from the RIGVEDA. It is a guiding book for all rituals conducted by the priesthood. Yajurveda is divided into two samhitas, Taittriya Samhita, Vaajasaneeya Samhita. Taittriya is divided into seven main divisions called Khandas, 44 chapters ( Called Pranas) and the 44 chapters are divided into 2,191 pieces with each piece covering fifty words. Vaajasaneeya samhita has 40 chapters, 303 Anuvaakas, and 1,915 Khandikas.


Sama Veda

The Sama Veda samhitha is wholly metrical containing 1,549 verses for being chanted and addressed to heavenly deities like Agni and Indra.


Atharvana Veda

Consists of 760 hymns and 6,000 verses and are an instrument for devotion, achieving one's desires, avoiding wrath of the gods and warding off evils.



Aranyakas expound the nature of God, and His mystical relations with the created and are covered by four aranyakas.







Upanishads are around 200 in number, each group emanating as it were from one of the Vedas as its base of approach, and to a considerable extent, revealed. Higher realms in thought are to be found in Upanishads and as one goes through an Upanishad, he will naturally have to wonder how, thousands of years ago, man's thoughts went into such a depth.


The Gita

If one masters this -if possible - he has the essence of the Hindu Philosophy within him. Just 700 stanzas revealed by Lord Sri Krishna to Arjuna covers so much of thinking, and more than all, so practical. Gita is living minute-to-minute guidance for everyone at all times.


Brahma Sutra

Brahma Sutra by Baadarayana or Vedavyasa as he is generally called, leans more towards a synthesis of the 200 Upanishads and a basis for all future thinkers, seers, sanths and sages of India.



The Puranas are the real exposition of all ideas, all thoughts, all revelations coming out from the vedas, Upanishads and went further in planning the origin, end of the world, genealogies of gods and goddesses, Lunar and Solar race kings and queens and highlights the importance of one or the other god.


Here are the approximate size of the various sanskrit books in number of words with highest Philosophical meaning. Vedic Litrature Rigveda 1,53,826

Yajurveda 2,56,300

Sama Veda 62,000

Atharva Veda 1,20,000

200 Upanishads 20,00,000

18 Puranas and its Upa-Puranas 80,00,0000

Ramayana 7,50,000

Mahabharatha 33,00,000

Brahmasutra 60,000

Commentaries on Brahmasutra 2,00,000

Sankara, Ramanuja and Madhva 's commentaries 2,00,00,000


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In the Gita Krsna says, througout all the vedas I am to be known. He also says dont be confused by the flowery words of the vedas.


He also says "abandon all varieties of religion and surrender on to him.


So thats all you need. Surrendering unto lord krsnas lotus feet.


Hare Krsna


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