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where do u fit

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Hare Krsna eveyone. I am just curious about something. Ofcourse I am, I always am.


Anyways, I have seen many of you on a regular basis. Where do you all of you consider yourselves.


How many of you consider yourselves to be followers of isckon. How many are Prabhupad Disciples. How many are initiated by prabhupad disciples. How many are just guests. Are there regular guests who have been coming for a while and are not with prabhupads movement, vaisnavism or anything similar.


Just curious.


I want names, I want names now!!!!!!!!!


Heads shall roll.


Hare Krsna


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Fit in to what exactly? But I know what you mean.


I am a lost soul, that is to say a dreaming soul. Sometimes I dream of birth sometimes of death. Sometimes I dream a worm's life, at others a resident of the higher planets. I am starting to get the idea that a better life can be had by waking up. But until I can get comfortable with the reality that I am eternally Krsna's servant I will have to remain in various degrees of slumber as to my true self.


When one first starts getting a sense of the waking state and of God he can be said to be on the periphery of Krsna consciousness. So I am somewhere on one of those outer circles, or fringes, of Krsna consciousness. A transitory point that I don't really consider worth trying to rigidly define.


But my general direction seems right so I feel good about that.


Hare Krsna

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i am ready to answer only if you organize a soccer (my dictionary gives two possibilities:) tournament/competition


iskcon vs caitanya sarasvata math

ritvik vs chaitanya mission

uninitiated vs initiated

4 principles vs 3 principles

madyam vs uttama

hindu vs iskcon

diksa vs siksa

16 rounds vs 64 rounds

italy yatra vs germany yatra



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I am up for the soccer tournement.


We have great soccer stars out there.


Why not.


Once at our temple, Us iskconb boys were playing basketball and some hindu guys challenged us and we destroyed them. IT was fun as we were like "hari bol pass" they were like "huh"


It was four on three too.


Yes we have code words such as haribol which means anything.


Even Pass the ball


Hare Krsna

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Well I hope some of you read the story of how I came into iskcon. I was hoping for replies but none yet.


However since the question is how about you haridham


Well, I consider myself to be an uneducated spirit soul who some how or other stumbled into the guidence of srila prabhupads movement.


I am a disciple of Gopal Krsna Maharaj. Not a good one but trying to serve him like his good disciples serve him


Hare Krsna

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Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


I was initiated in the first batch of disciples of the "new" gurus a few months after Prabhupada's passing.


I dont consider myself of the present Iskcon but attend temple programs around the world at different times(Iskcon temples) I have my own Bhaktivedanta Ashrama where i have a sanctuary for cows/oxen as well as deer,turkeys,moose and many other wild animals on our land.


My question is i see that you are at vancouver, do you know Jnana Shakti dasa?


Hari Bol, bhakta christopher

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Hello Prabuji,


I am not a follower of ISKCON but very much interested to know more about this community.


I am not a Prabhupada's desciple but I respect him as a good Guru (based only with his teachings for I never met him) and I believe that he is a true servant of God (also I don't agree with some that are putting him on the pedestal level to God).


I admired Buddha, Mohammed and the saints for being the ordinary people but doing extraordinary things...


Well, I'll just put myself to the regular guests, no religion, no movement, nothing...I am just a wondering/ "flip-flop" soul. I sometimes have doubts if I really exist! But I bumped on the glass door this morning and I realized that I am really here in this crazy world /images/graemlins/frown.gif


I am a follower of Christ, doing my best to be worthy to meet His Father someday...Whatever His name is...Krishna, Jehovah, Allah...


Why are you asking this? Are you playing Saint Peter? /images/graemlins/smile.gif just kidding...


Have a nice day! God Bless!




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