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Any evidence of Moses

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I am a Hindu and I see lots of questions from non beleivers of Krishna. I have a curious question.

Is there any evidence I mean any historical or practical arachaeological evidence to prove that Red sea gave way to moses to cross the sea. Or is it like a mythology like how yamuna gave way to Krishna when he was born and got transported by His father to Yashoda.

Also is there evidence historically for appearance of God in front of Mosses and gave the ten commandments.

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SInce most of you are christians basically, I thought of asking this question to you guys as the Indian christians could not give me any concrete evidence other than mythology

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All this is based on faith, I am sure someone who is more qualified can answer your question better then i can.


However we dont find these to be just myths. The yamuna and krsna are mentioned in the vedas so we consider them the authorities.


Similar with the bible.


Hare Krsna


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you should ask christian folks about this stuff... All I can tell you that early judaic records are definitely legend based.

as to the parting of the Red Sea: there is a theory that jews crossed this body of water in its upper section which used to be much more shallow than today. Sometimes a strong wind will sweep the water out of shallow sand bars allowing a temporary passage. that is one possible explanation.

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The christian folks have no practical answer than a broader smile and the answer is only belief and faith, like how we all beleive in Krishna. My question is not against Krishna Consciousness or Christianity, bbut to people who try to ridicule Krishna Consciousness and Hinduism

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In my research on Christ in India, I ran acorss some proof of Moses. But it will not be accepted by most Christians, or at least not the fundamentalists. Anyway, it said that Moses still has a tomb/samadhi in, I think it was Kashmir. If I had more time I would get the quote, but sorry, I don't.

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What about the opening up of red sea and appearance of God in front of Moses. Does christians hav evidence for that to the extent they criticise Hindu mythology?

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It Takes Faith to see God's Works too...




Actually i find it absurd to reply to your thread. Forgive me if I may sound offensive. But the way you asked it, is like asking the the capacity of God to do these things...


There are Vedas and Bible stories that are not (yet)supported by the scince's way of proving things: fossil records, archaelogical evidences and the like.. but you cannot just leave it there and say it's not true. This planet is too small to measure the wonder of God, and our brain and resources are toooooo limited to comprehend God's masterpiece...


yet..it only takes faith even as small as a mustard seed to believe...

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What about the opening up of red sea and appearance of God in front of Moses. Does christians hav evidence for that to the extent they criticise Hindu mythology?



Personally, I don't view real Christianity the way it is presented by 'modern' Christians who can be recognized by, as you have experienced it appears, their criticism of Hindu's. Modern so-called Christian teachings are not the original teachings of Christ. We need to give up any preconceived ideas about him that 'they' have put in our heads. There is a joke that if Christ ever returned, he'd go straight to the Hare Krishna temple. /images/graemlins/smile.gif (First devotees use to say it, but years later it was actually in a movie! ha)


Any Christian who criticizes a Hindu-Vaisnava does not understand Christ. Therefore, I dont waste my time with them, the red sea or anything else. Christ was a Vaisnava, and probably Moses too. Any Christian who can't at least be open minded to that, I don't bother with. Why irriate our own minds, or our spirutal advancement? I've got better things to argue over. lol


Besides, best to leave the fundamentalists alone because some religion is better than no religion, and without their ten commandments, it is highly possible many more crimes would take place!

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SInce most of you are christians basically, I thought of asking this question to you guys as the Indian christians could not give me any concrete evidence other than mythology



I dont know that most of us are Christians. Tho I suspect you mean before we became devotees. However, I learned more about Christ after becoming a devotee of Krishna than I ever knew before that time, or learned in church, or from Sunday School! /images/graemlins/smile.gif (Or Mosses too for that matter.)


The fact is, if we really want to know about any great soul, we have to turn either to the Vedas or a pure deovtee, to shed light on them. Srlia Prabhupada ki jai!

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the bible,(torah,the old testament) was compiled long after

the events it describes.


the purpose was twofold, one, to give the people

of the area who were from a variety of lands and cultures

and beliefs a single belief and history and



this was done by incorporating stories from the various

cultures that these people came from, so in the bible

we find mostly plagarized stories from Hammurabi,

from Akhnaten,from the Vedic scritpures, etc.


this included the main figure of moses, who was

the ultimate prophet who talked to god, god is

anthropomorphized in the bible, meaning they created

God in their own image, making God a violent,intolerant,

sadistic tyrant, this was done to give credibility

to their own history and political ambitions , their own violence and misdeeds

were now reflections of God's persona,

God gave them instruction and they must follow

God's way, which was of course ,violent,intolerant,

oppressive, etc.


so moses was the person used more then anyone else for this goal.


the dark bible

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