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Was Christ based on Krishna?

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In India there is a wealth of historical evidence showing that the image of baby-Krishna was worshipped in many places prior to the birth of Christ. Not only in the region or Mathura, but in South India was well.


A scholar reading the book "the Bible" which was compiled by a man called Origen (a believer in reincarnation!), might conjecture that the myth of baby Jesus was dreamed up by some Occidental persons who heard stories about Krishna and wished that their god might be was wonderful as baby Krishna. Certainly, though Jesus was a great man, he was unable to save himself from being executed by a group of barbarians, whereas Krishna could kill demons such Putana without any effort.


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I consider your post to be absurd and very foolish. Jesus couldn't save himself. What ...?


Do you say the same about Haridas Thakur being beaten in 22 market places?


I usually really appreciate your posts but this one sucks.


Hare Krsna


Upon rereading your post I see I may have misunderstood your intent. If so I apologize. If not my previous post stands.

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Jesus of Nazareth never intended to be seen as God. That is very obvious from his words recorded even in the much edited 4 "standard" gospels. His followers deified Jesus and twisted the intent of his teaching in the centuries that followed his death. Not unlike some attempts in our movement to deify Srila Prabhupada and twist his message.

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Sorry if I offended anyone's feelings when I started this thread.


Really, it was meant as a silly response to the thread labelled "Was Krishna based on Christ?", by giving a rhetorical reply "Was Christ based on Krishna".


In regard to my statement about how Jesus wasn't able to save himself from being killed, my own personal feeling is that Jesus was a saintly person who was killed by the barbarians; I don't feel he was any sort of god and I do think it is foolish of the Christians to say that Jesus is Lord when he was unable to save himself from being killed by the Romans. Just a personal view perhaps. Sorry if I offended anyone.








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Jesus Arrested


From Matthew


47 While he was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived. With him was a large crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent from the chief priests and the elders of the people.


48 Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: "The one I kiss is the man; arrest him."


49 Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, "Greetings, Rabbi!" and kissed him.


50 Jesus replied, "Friend, do what you came for."

51 Then the men stepped forward, seized Jesus and arrested him. With that, one of Jesus' companions reached for his sword, drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear.


52 "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.


53 Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?


54 But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?"


55 At that time Jesus said to the crowd, "Am I leading a rebellion, that you have come out with swords and clubs to capture me? Every day I sat in the temple courts teaching, and you did not arrest me.


56 But this has all taken place that the writings of the prophets might be fulfilled." Then all the disciples deserted him and fled.

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I think it's a relevant theory what M.das has proposed, these same thoughts have passed through my own consciousness before, just as modern writers today plagerize others conceptions adding, subtracting and embellishing an original thesis. Only thing is Jesus life was far more tangible and relateable to the modern mind that has drifted so far away from the miraculous pastimes of Sri Krsna. It's all just a little too far fetched for your work a day Johnny and Jenny just trying to make ends meet.

Consider if the only record after a cataclysm that remained was a book called 'The Lord of the Rings' and then per chance another evolution of humans developed and discovered this ancient treatise.

I have problems believing in Chinese dragons, probably a opium oriented vision. But there are very clever individuals who can create whole worlds of imagination like Frank Herberts 'Dune' or some of these Sci-Fi writers, then there are books like 'Urantia' supposedly self-manifest words from angels or God.

I find Mahaprabhus life and pastimes far more relatable for us external souls exiled to this barron Martya loka.

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Prabhupada's opinion



Martin: Can a true devotee come face-to-face with God through the teachings of Buddha, the teachings of Christ?


Prabhupäda: Yes. Teachings of Christ, teaching of Buddha, they are meant for a particular type of men. Generally it is meant for everyone, but specifically for a particular type of men. Just like Lord Buddha, he preached ahimsä. They were a particular type of men. Lord Jesus Christ also preached to a particular type of men. “Thou shall not kill.’’ That means they were killing. Is it not? If I say, “Thou shall not steal,’’ that means you are thief, you are stealing. So a kind of preaching among the thieves and a kind of teaching among the philosophers must be different. That is the difference. Lord Buddha is Krsna, Lord Jesus Christ was Krsna incarnation, but they were preaching to a different type of people. Therefore you’ll find difference of Lord Jesus Christ teaching, Buddha’s teaching, Krsn’s teaching.

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Dear Theist,


Yes this is an interesting quote from Srila Prabhupada.


Jesus must have been a very great sadhu if Srila Prabhupada will call him an incarnation. But there are so many types of incarnation, saktyavesha incarnations, etc.. Indeed in the Bhagavad Gita the Lord says that "among fish I am the shark, among trees I am the banyan tree, etc..". Different types of incarnations.


But Sri Krishna in his Vrindaban pastimes is the Supreme Lord. The son of Yashoda, He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Brahma the creator is also an incarnation of Krishna but Brahma also was overwhelmed by foolishness for a while when he stole the boys and calves. In Krishna's playful pastimes, there is sweetness and beauty and no misery. The stories of the Bible are from a very different type of culture. A culture of overwhelming cruelty and violence.


If you ever get a chance to read what Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur said in Sri Tattva Viveka about the Bible, Adam and Eve, Crucifiction of Christ, etc, it may give another perspective on this topic. I looked for an English translation but couldn't find one available to post here.





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This topic seems to come up from time to time, so here I go again. /images/graemlins/smile.gif These are my three web pages on Christ and Krishna:


Christ & Krishna #1 Jesus as Guru explained, In ‘Pictures’ section (which has NO pictures, Sorry) is the topic - Did Jesus wear Vaisnava tilaka?, (shroud/Byzantine/boy w/sikha), he Lost Years (Jesus went to India in his youth), Bible is mistranslated. Vegetarianism/etc. in the Bible, Talks between Srila Prabhupada & Father Emmanuel, "In My Name Only" (& other misc misunderstandings like bread to fish story, the cry from the cross (he never did it), Church alterations, the last supper), Perfect Questions/Perfect Answers, Conv w/Cardinal Danielou & Srila Prabhupada, etc.




Christ and Krishna, Part 2 – Aquarian Gospel Excerpts:

Explains the "Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" that would not be understood without Prabhupada's books. These excerpts better clarify Jesus at the Ratha Yatra festival, Jesus and the Deity of Lord Jagannatha/Krishna, he debunks the (kali yuga) caste system and any unqualified priests who follow such a system. Reveals how he learned to heal, his travels in India, etc. Additionally, excerpt from a recent letter by a devotee validating Christ was at the Jagannatha Puri temple, India, Reincarnation in the Bible, 2nd Council of Constantinople Bible changes dates back to 553 A.D. Plus, Prabhupada quotes about Jesus.




Christ & Krishna Pt 3 – Shroud, Islam, Purana’s, etc.

Scriptural AND scientific evidence that Jesus survived the crucifixion, evidence the Shroud belonged to Jesus, Christ preached in many countries & to many religions, location of the "real" Promised Land, various scriptures give mention of Jesus including the Bhavisya Purana where Christ reveals his secret knowledge & his secret plan for his disciples. Proof that Jesus lived in India and left his body in Kashmir. More Prabhupada quotes on the topic. (Discover the connection between Radharani and Mother Mary)


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Dear Muralidhar,


You quote:


"Brahma the creator is also an incarnation of Krishna but Brahma also was overwhelmed by foolishness for a while when he stole the boys and calves."


From your post arise more of contradictios to the Lord (Jesus) we believe versus your God. Check out the bible and other scriptures. You can never find a story that tells that God is a fool (apologies but the word was derived when you said Brahma was overwhelmed by foolishness-root word: fool)..Also please explain to me, why do you find that "stealing" is sweetness and beauty?


Jesus came here on earth to find the missing sheep and lead on to the right way. He maybe in the other side of the planet, but basically his teaching is for general public as like the Geeta. Bible is clear and basic: God the Father - Son Jesus - Holy spirit. Jesus connects the people to the Father. When Jesus went to heaven, he sent the Holy spirit(paraatma) to guide us.


How much do you know about Jesus? Have you ever given Him a chance tell you who he is (by reading the bible)?


Obviously, you never read read the bible..i can see that you only based your satements on what the other people wrote on this site or other people's reactions. Have a primary investigation first before stating your piece.


Jesus is a self acclaimed Son of God, please stop mocking or questioning his authority. I believe that God Krishna is the other name of my God the Father. So, if you really a Krishnan, respect your brother Jesus.



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Wow, here we go again.


Thats funny where you got your information. Brahma is not krsna. Brahma being foolish and stealing the cows and boys was a pasttime between Krsna and Brahma to show Brahma that Krsna is still the supreme even though Krsna came as a child.


But someone can explain more then I could.


I wish people wouldnt come here to just argue and such.


Hare Krsna

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Jesus is a self acclaimed Son of God, please stop mocking or questioning his authority. I believe that God Krishna is the other name of my God the Father. So, if you really a Krishnan, respect your brother Jesus.


I missed that quote and can you delete your own post or no.


I think angelika is right


Hare Krsna


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Prabhupada stated hundreds if not thousands of times that Lord Jesus Christ is Shaktya-vesa Avatar of Krsna. Bhaktisiddanta also said this.


He also said Lord Jesus came straight from the Spiritual Sky, and that he was not conditioned at anytime.


If you have a vedabase do a search on Lord Jesus Christ.



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We must be careful not to let the misunderstandings of others cause us to try and retaliate in some fashion.


We can't try to hold God to our mundane conceptions of morality. For instance God says thou shall not kill. But yet He is the one who design death and in His form as time actually kills everyone. So are we to call God immoral, and then reject Him as God?


The Bhagavatam speaks of various types of incarnations of the Lord as being as uncountable as the waves that wash up on shore. They come to work various missions of the Supreme Lord for the elevation of the living entities according to the time place and circumstance that those living entities are presently condition by.


So from culture to culture or even from planet to planet their missions will appear to vary.


Readers of the Bhagavatam should know this basic thing.

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There are too many inconsistencies in scriptures due to misinterpretations of the writers, scribes, followers that interrpret the words and actions of the empowered personalities that they are generally based around.

The example of Caitanya Mahaprabhu is definately the most merciful and compassionate, moral and relateable for the souls of Kali Yuga, the best example that covers all bases for vegetarians, goswamis, Teetotalers etc. Whereas most of the other Avatars are a little dubious in their habits and practice, it is confusing for a Christian and a Muslem, a Buddhist or a Jew to accomodate the pastimes of Krsna, they are pretty far out, or far in, way out of reach of the common aspirant. Generally they just want to imitate the Lords practice, which ends up translating into all this multi-headed sahajiyaism, and impersonalism.

Had Mahaprabhu not come it would be a far worse jungle of misconception, He obviously saw it all coming and as a special dispensation to those inclined to bhakti showered us with a perfect solution.

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you started the thread.



Exactly. Who did Muriladhar think we were going to take instruction from, someone other than Prabhupada?


I realize Murlidhara is reading books from our lineage. However I also recall Prabhuapda saying something to the effect that we are not advanced enough to understand those, and first we must master his books and then can move on to the writings of S. Bhaktisiddhanta, etc. In any case, I'm not into jumping the guru.

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