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Native American/Mongolia related

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Hare Krsna Prabhus,


Today i was listening to Srila Prabhupada with my radio gadget and the batteries for my Mp3 player quit and the radio started the usual station.


I listened for a while hearing about some lady native americans finding links between their people and the people of Mongolia. They talked about many different links and for me proved that they are indeed linked.


But all this also reminded me of my knowledge of the Vedic culture being the original civilization for this planet. It is well known that Sanskrit is the oldest language and that all present day language has its roots in the Vedic culture.


I bow down to A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami who brought the essence of all original knowledge of the Vedanta. And though i am clearly on the bodily platform, i have some attachement for Krsna and His Transparent Via Medium in the form of our Sampradaya Acarya A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami.

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