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Mind matter interaction is (subtle)matter (gross)matter interaction, that means only material platform, not spiritual.


Using the verse 7.16 from Bhagavat-gita as a spiritual barometer, can you tell in which of these categories is your bhajana?


catur-vidhA bhajante mam / janah sukrtino’rjuna

artto jijnAsur artharthi / jïNAni ca bharatarSabha


O best of the Bharata dynasty, there are four types

of pious men who perform My bhajana; the distressed

( Artta), the inquisitive ( jijNAsu), the seeker of wealth

( arthArthI) and the man of wisdom ( jïNAnI).



“Who then performs Your bhajana ?”

In response to this question, Sri Bhagavan speaks this Sloka beginning with the

words catur-vidhA.

“SukRta refers to those who worship Me and who follow the rules and regulations of varNASramadharma.

Artta refers to persons afflicted with distress such as disease and who worship Me to get relief.

JijNAsu means those who worship Me desiring atma-jïNAna (knowledge of

the self) or scholarly knowledge of the SAstra through grammar.

ArthArthI refers to those who worship Me with a desire

for enjoyment in this world, such as possession of land, elephants,

horses, beautiful women, gold, or enjoyment in Svarga.

JïNAnis with pure hearts also worship Me.

Of these four, the first three are sakAma-gRhasthas, householders who

have fruitive desires, and the fourth group consists of niSkAmasannyAsis

(renunciates who perform selfless actions).


Source: Srimad Bhagavat-gita, with the commentary of Srila ViSvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, translated and commented by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja.



anadi kRSNa dasa


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I just read the article on designer dreams through yoga. Interesting. I will have a few questions later today when I return and have more time.


But for now I can say they will relate to the idea that there is no sense of I (as in false ego) in the dreaming state. I feel that the false identification of I is simply redirected as in I am a king or I am a pauper etc. according to the subject of the dream. Wouldn't it be more accurate to attribute a lack of the sense of I to the deep sleep or dreamless state?


Till later,

Hare Krsna


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