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What is the difference between your school of mentality and...

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Is there a difference between a pentaghost or a baptist who try to convert others calling himself and saying that only their philosopies of God are right and all others are wrong and your mentality to feel that you are right based on yoru school of thoughts and all others are absolutely wrong because they dont follow your school of thoughts. I have been visiting this site for the past 10 days and find thhat most of you act like as though you guys are theonly perfect people and devotee of Lords which is not as evidenced by the ego expressed by confrontatins i see in some of the forums among yourselves. What is the difference between your school of mentality and other fanatic christian or muslim mentality in calling themself as perfect and call others as imperfectionist.



Admin5 note: this post has been taken from another thread, to start a new thread of it's own.

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Thank you for the way you responded to the unnamed guest. I have to admit, there are times I want to let loose, and you usually find a way to say things I had not thought of. Yes, it would be good to discuss that topic ....... "elsewhere."


I did not bring up the subject of who thinks they and their religion are better than anyone else, nor was I even thinking that way. I only asked my question about this Hindu lady and what others on the 'same path' as myself believe. I would appreciate it if only the devotees of Lord Krishna who "take shelter of Srila Prabhupada," would give their two cents. That way we can avoid speculation. I do agree, however, that other topics can still be discussed, again elswhere. Thanks.

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No difference really, because if the living entity's purpose is to just feel better about itself then it is going to do it anyway and serve its imagination.


But I am sure that there are people on both sides who are attracted and love the lord as much as they can, what can they do , they can't help it , right? /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif


see for yourself!

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Every philosophy of God is perfect my dear friend, the only hard thing to do is pick one where you are free from ego and enjoy his company. It can happen in a church, a mosque or a temple /images/graemlins/smile.gif The only difference is the way he wants you to look at him /images/graemlins/grin.gif


- The guest who posted the krishna picture (taken from "Picture" Post)

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Is there a difference between a pentaghost or a baptist who try to convert others calling himself and saying that only their philosopies of God are right and all others are wrong and your mentality to feel that you are right based on yoru school of thoughts and all others are absolutely wrong because they dont follow your school of thoughts. I have been visiting this site for the past 10 days and find thhat most of you act like as though you guys are theonly perfect people and devotee of Lords which is not as evidenced by the ego expressed by confrontatins i see in some of the forums among yourselves. What is the difference between your school of mentality and other fanatic christian or muslim mentality in calling themself as perfect and call others as imperfectionist.




I am not perfect, but I would like to say that believing in one thing necessarily means objecting to its opposite. This is common sense.


In the world of science, to take a crude example, belief in Darwinian evolution means rejecting Lysenko's theory of acquired traits. Similarly, belief in a spherical Earth necessarily means rejecting the "flat-Earth" superstitions of medieval Europe. No one would argue that belief in one and rejection of the other is fanatical.


So it is too with religion. For many, religion is simply a hobby, a way to do things so as to indicate one's uniqueness compared to others, or even a means by which to socialize with like-minded inviduals. However, religion really means searching for spiritual Truth. No one wants to waste their time believing in a subjective God. Lovers of the truth will necessarily look for a God concept which is consistent with authoritative modes of evidence (pramAna-s) while rejecting God-concepts which are not. This is only natural and to be expected.






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Certainly tenacious debating and arguing and fighting and suicide bombings really serve only to separate us.


However, discussion with a view to share what we've found or realized is natural for devotees of God. Lord Krsna observes this in the timely 10.9 verse from the Bhagavad-gita:<blockquote>"The thoughts of My pure devotees dwell in Me, their lives are fully devoted to My service, and they derive great satisfaction and bliss from always enlightening one another and conversing about Me."</blockquote>

Of course, it all comes down to motivation, as does everything. Why do we type these characters on the screen? Is it from buddhi-yoga, under the auspices of God? Or does it come from the mind fueled by the false ego's entering the gates of hell (as described here in BG 16.21)?<blockquote>"There are three gates leading to this hell — lust, anger and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul."</blockquote>

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Certainly tenacious debating and arguing and fighting and suicide bombings really serve only to separate us.



Let me post KC articles leading to Krishna

and give up the martyrdom for Truth



However, discussion with a view to share what we've found or realized is natural for devotees of God. Lord Krsna observes this in the timely 10.9 verse from the Bhagavad-gita:

"The thoughts of My pure devotees dwell in Me, their lives are fully devoted to My service, and they derive great satisfaction and bliss from always enlightening one another and conversing about Me."



Beautiful verse describing what we should be really doing here instead of trying to give our version of the last word on siddhanta.



Of course, it all comes down to motivation, as does everything. Why do we type these characters on the screen? Is it from buddhi-yoga, under the auspices of God? Or does it come from the mind fueled by the false ego's entering the gates of hell (as described here in BG 16.21)?

"There are three gates leading to this hell — lust, anger and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul."



Let me give up this hellish mentality based on false ego.

om tat sat


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