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Holiday in Canada

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Hare Krsna everyone.


Hope all is well. I thought i would write something about this long weekend in Canada.


First off Hockey season is upon us and the Canucks are 2-0


whoo hooo, 82 and 0 baby lol.


Anyways, its thanksgiving here. Everyone will pray and say something that they are thankful for.


Ofcourse while eating turkeys.


Wonder what the Turkeys are thankful for.


How can our vedic culture influence people to stop these things, I hate it when holidays like these come.


I am thankful I wont become a turkey in my next life and get eaten.


What are you thankful for?


Hare Krsna

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First off Hockey season is upon us and the Canucks are 2-0


whoo hooo, 82 and 0 baby lol.







How can our vedic culture influence people to stop these things,



If you stop "these things," and thus set a good example, people will follow suit when they see how happy you are without such material attachments. Obviously, you know about what "things" I am referring to. They are the things you know you are not supposed to do, even though you do them anyway. These are the things you try to justify by saying "I'm doing it in Krishna's service," even though you are really doing it for your own reasons.


This is a general response, not necessarily directed at you particularly.



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