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"Can the soul escape from a glass"

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Well everyone, I had a chat with a devotee friend of mine who said he was talking to a a Sikh priest or pundit the other day and he said they are quite imporsanal and dont understand the divinity of the soul compared to the body.


When he was having this discussion with the Sikh priest or pundit, they were talking about the difference between the body and the soul. The priest coudnt comprahend this at all.


He asked my friend a question that was quite silly and yet comical.


He asked (now I am pretending that this is a typical indian accent) "Can The soul escape from a glass container if your body was put into the glass container"


My friend replied "Yes, the soul is not material, its a spiritual being, it cannot be held down by a material object"


Again with the accent here(everyone play alone)


"But it is in a bottle, how can you escape a bottle, especially if you close the cover of the lid"




as I was hearing this it was quite funny.


Anyways this got to be quite funny aftersome time when he asked


"forget the soul, what are your main beliefs" (again when reading this you must use your indiaan accent)


My friend replied "No meat eating, no illicit sex, no gambling, no intoxication"


There were two of his "followers" or something who replied with "No sex, no meat...NO WAY!!!!!!!!! Forget that Man"


The original preist said "wow the soul can escape the glass bottle even with a lid and now there is no meat eating or sexwow" (again to experiance this u must use your indian accent)


Just thought to bring a little humour.


A lot of people need Srila Prabhupads books.


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""forget the soul, what are your main beliefs" (again when reading this you must use your indiaan accent)

My friend replied "No meat eating, no illicit sex, no gambling, no intoxication""


perhaps a better answer would be: "god and his name are the same, krsna is the name who is the sum of all other names of god, chanting this name evokes the direct presence of god and this activity saves who chants and who hears. And this is the main injunction of all religions for this era"


our religion is hare krishna, not 4 principles (even if they are extremely necessary to chant and keep chanting:))

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My friend explained this all to him but it was hard for him to comprehand.


He talked about saying Krsna is the supreme and how is form, name and attributes are non different. He was just telling me how he could not believe this so he started to talk about something which he knew a bit about.

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when it cannot be captured by glass,

then the question does not arize.


glass can only capture a body that has a soul.

if the soul quits the body, then glass cannot hold it.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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Be careful, Haridham. You don't want to accidentally criticize Sikhism, do you? Remember, all religions are bona fide, and there are many iskcon followers here who will be only too happy to point this out to you. Who knows? Maybe Guru Nanak was a shakti-avesa avatara. Be careful! You don't want to offend him!


then again, his religion is based on the idea that having form limits God. But nevermind that. He actually met Sri Caitanya according to some accounts, so he must have been a pure devotee.

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I never critizied sikhism.


Did I say Sikhism was this or that?


I was just talking about this perticular fellow. Nothing to do with sikhism.


I mean I could said the same thing about most young or old hindu boys or girls.


They dont know a whole lot either.


Geez people lighten up.

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here, what is meant by the word bonafide please?


if it means "word of god" then i would not agree.


just because there is true dollar bill,

there is fake some where.


an economy cannot run on 50-60% fake dollar bills.

1-2% fake cannot hurt too much and eventually is caught and rejected.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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