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Why does Lord Hari take away all my material possessions ???

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In S.B. 10 th canto, the Lord speaks to us:


"When I feel especilly merciful toward someone

I gradually take away all his material possessions.

His friends and relatives then reject this

poverty-stricken and most wretched fellow."


Why does He do this to His sincere devotee?

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materialism slowly and unknowingly drains away the intelligence of an individual, away from our true identity which is spirit souls...this material world is temporary illusion, don't become attracted to all that fades.


BHAGAVAD-GITA (as it is)

Chapter 2, Verse 62.

While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises.


Chapter 2, Verse 63.

From anger, delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost, one falls down again into the material pool.



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Because He loves His sincere devotee so much and don't want him to leave His side. The more we are in-need the more we feel the presence, help and love of the Lord. God wants His sincere devotees grow in the knowledge of Him and prosper in soul. For it is true that "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also (Matthew 6:21).


Hare Krishna! Jai Sri Jesus!




P.S. Lacking of Material things is also part of purification.

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When we dont have anything and only Krishna, it is difficult to concentrate on Krishna (God) for many people because for them to live their day-to-day life atleast the basic materials are needed as per the place where they live. So if a person wants to become sanyasi, then its fine, but not for someone who is in commitment to fulfill them. So when they pray to Him and still no improvement, they get vexed and loose their faith. Actually this is the trick of Krishna (God) to test every soul, how far they realise Him at all times. Thats why when we have something or even everything, and still if that person concentrate upon Lord without any material attachment, then he does not loose anything as he has already separated himself from his possessions. For the poverty stricken individual, when he prays and get something and after that if he still does not forget Lord and keep himself unattached with the newly obtained possessions, then He does not take away things from His devotee as that soul has realised the difference between materializm and pleasure of the company of God. This is the essence of Kuchela purana, where Kuchela was terribly suffering and finally forced to ask Krishna for help. His wife who was a great devotee asks kuchela to meet krishna and ask for help while he was hesitating. She gave him that beaten rice (Aval) for Krishna. When he meets krishna, and talk about their childhood days he forget to ask for hel. But Krishna knows this and much before kuchela realise he became rich when Krishna tasted the beaten rice. That is Krishna's Mercy for His devotee. But kuchela although got everything now, he and His wife were undisturbed by new things and they remained especially kuchela remained like a saint with no attachment for his material possessions and was always chanting Lord's name after that and reached moksha.

Most of the people pray to Lord only when they want something and their intensity of prayer becomes less towards Him when they get what they want. Most people even give time limits to Lord expecting results like an end of experiment and thats why some get frustrated when they dont get their prayers answered. Lord knows that such people will change when they get everything and this change we can see in people's personal behaviour also when they become rich from poor. For a person who never changes and who is untouched mentally with anything He is always nearer to them and He never lets them suffer even materialistically for them to lead until that soul reaches Him. So the essence is we should always be thinking of Him irrespective of whatever we have. This is from my experience.

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I disagree with what you replied to other guest that Krishna does not love him since he is getting everything what he asks for Krishna. Kuchela got everything he wanted because Krishna loved him very much as friend. But Kuchela kept himself away mentally from all those materialistic things out of which he did not loose anything. But this does not happen in present day world with many people. When we get everythhing from Lord, and if we start getting attached then there is a chance that Krishhna might take away. The reason why He gives for sincere people initially is for them to become benovelent trustees of the society to help others. If that individual help others with what he got out of his prayers from Lord, then he is fine, if not and remain selfish, then certainly Krishna will take back everything. Whether knowledge or material it should be distribbuted to society for anyone to reach Him.

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In reply to : "If that individual help others with what he got out of his prayers from Lord, then he is fine, if not and remain selfish, then certainly Krishna will take back everything. Whether knowledge or material it should be distributed to society for anyone to reach Him."


You are right /images/graemlins/smile.gif I should start getting to work. What we get in this world and what we don't is an illusion. Because, we ourselves were not for us to begin with, we were made for God and exist for His purpose. Realizing that is the true perfection of life.


I better start working /images/graemlins/smile.gif . I help out some people , then again it is not really krishna conscious help, its material. Still , its ok whatever we do is for krishna.


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"Secondly, it is stated in the vedas that if krsna loves you and the devotee is sincere krsna can and will take all your possesions from you. "


I get that you were joking , but I think krishna loves me, I don't love him, thats the problemo.


The point is this, krishna is like fire. Fire does not burn for one person and stop for the other. You don't look at your fingers and toes and say, I love my pinkie , but I am not sure about my thumb.


Krishna is the same way, he loves you... the problem is that we don't love him. So, he attracts us.


I think that is what he is doing for me, attracting me and may be if I get attached to these materials , when I am really old, he may make me think "what did I achieve? I will die anyway", then I will probably crawl back to him, just like the rest of the people here.


"Krsna loves everyone but his devotees are second to none "


His devotees are closer to the fire krishna.


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Everyone is devotee to krishna in one or other way. Whether he tells His name only once or the whole day, it does not matter. There is a story to explain this.

Once Naradha wanted to know who is the best and closest devotee to Lord Narayana. Lord knowing this, told Naradha that the farmer in a village pointing his fingers in Booloka (I forgot the name of farmer and village) is my best and most sincere devotee. Naradha was very disappointed and when he observed that farmer he did not do annthhing big also. He got up by morning and said "Narayana please protect everyone" and then he continued his work. He got ready for his routine, confronted his wife when she wanted something and like this as for many common people and in the night before going to bed he again said "Narayana thanks for the day that was spent" and slept off. Naradha by observing this got very disappointed and questioned Lord, how can you call that farmer as best devotee when I keep thinking about you all the time. So Narayana gave him a bowl of oil which was upto the rim and told Naradha to come around Booloka once without spilling even a single droplet if you are my best devotee. Naradha took it in hand and continued his journey and he was very careful in not spilling it. He did not even notice Lord coming on his way while he was rounding Booloka. Finally he finished the round and came to Narayana and showed Him that the bowl was full without any loss and confirmed that he should be His best and dearest devotee. Lord asked him one questiion. So how many times you thought about me in your journey? Naradha had no answer, because he failed to notice Lord Himself on the way. So Lord said that farmer called me twice a day in spite of his difficult routines and day today life. So it does not matter, how far one chants my name to be a devotee. It matters how sincere you are in your thoughts in thinking of Lord and hence every body is a devotee in the perspective of Lord as long as he or she chants His name irrespective of the number of times or occassion.

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mateial possessions only from those, whom He loves and wants them to love Him more and more. Saint Tukaram, Namdev are the brilliant examples of this. Tukaram's lost his first wife and a son in the worst famine, he lost all his property as well as parents and was left with the nagging second wife. He was living a life of penury, but his mind was always fixed on Vitthala. Certainly with inflow of money, worries multiply thinking how to protect it, how to multiply it, how not to part away with it etc. etc. How can such a person meditate on Lord Krishna. He cannot. That is why those, whom God loves, become bankrupt, but never feel bad about it.

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Certainly with inflow of money, worries multiply thinking how to protect it, how to multiply it, how not to part away with it etc. etc. How can such a person meditate on Lord Krishna. He cannot. That is why those, whom God loves, become bankrupt, but never feel bad about it.



Very nice


especially " whom God loves"

it's His doing altogether

Supremely independent choice of that rare soul to get His extra special mercy!

All glories to Lord Sri Sri Hari !!!

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I feel God loves everybody, but He tests people and give the life as per their karmic balances. Unfortunately we do not know what we did in previous birth for which we suffer now and again He created our brain in such a way, that the soul in it does not remember any of its previous birth activities. So many people even doubt about reincarnation. this is again His play or part of His game with the soul. So we suffer. Some people they realise that we should never forget God at any time and hence in course of time their difficulties vanish or atleast they get helped in critical times. Some people who have transient relationship with God sometimes get angry with God if they dont get what they asked for, without realising that they should remember Him all the times and not only during tough times. Basically He loves all His children and it is rare to see people who worship Him with devotion by being detached with their material possessions especially when they are financially well off. NOrmally poor people are more devoted, because He is their only consolation and grip.

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do come to everyone as per his/her Karmic reaction, however, riches are certainly a handicap in reaching His lotus feet. Why did Saint-poetess Meerabai had to shun all the luxuries of the palace? her sole aim was to reach Him. In fact, in history there may not be any examples, where a rich man/woman would have become a realised soul, inspite of remaining in the midst of the riches.

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