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Hare Krsna everyone, this is Haridham...duh eh.


Anyways, as some of you know from my posts about my encounters with todays Indians and how it usually ends up being negative as they are trying to become westernized and they dont like the devotees and such.


Last night however I met an Indian gentleman who after seeing me chant got quite inquisitive and was quite respectful. I am not making this up just to be on someone's good side, this actually happened.(not that I am saying all these indians now a days are bad)


He was telling me he had seen me before but now wanted to ask questions and he actually said to me that at first he didnt like iskcon and such but then realized its doing great things for his culture and its rare to see kids my age doing japa.


He said I was an inspiration to him. ME! I thought but he was being sincere as he took the address to the temple and asked me a few questions and telling me that he wished that when he was my age(now he was 30) he was chanting and such.


He told me Indian kids now a days are in a lot of danger and are completley lost and he feels that he is like that too.


BUt none the less we had a nice conversation and it was rare for me because usually most indian guys are ready to attack me just for carrying my beads.


ANyways, that was a very refreshing thing to see


Hare Krsna

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i've said it before and i'll say it again..

before reading Bg gita as it i did not

know anything..(still don't)!




growing-up as a hindu, i asked god only for material things having no idea about bhakti-yoga etc..


final thought:

so its NOW parents(vaisnava's) job to give siksa to their kids and make tons & tons of vasinava's!


i heard a kirtan in which a 3 year old kiddie girl was leading kirtan..! amazing!


jaya prabhupada!



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Yeah, same with me. I didnt know much until I joined Srila Prabhupads movement.


Now i just know a bit more then I did then



wow a 3 year old leading kirtan. Amazing for sure!


I have seen a five year old lead an ecstatic kirtan but not five.


Thanks Srila Prabhupad


Just in case people dont know, my background is Indian.


I dont consider myself of any cast or anything because thats not what vaisnavism and "hinduism" is about.



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make fun of the song Jai Jagadisha Hare???


I think it went something like this.


Jai Jagadisha Hare, Swami Jai Jagadisha Hare, I want a big house and a cadilac, I want a big house and a cadilac, and a big screen tv, a house by the sea, Swami Jai Jagadisha Hare.


I am not making fun of anyone, dont get angry with me. They did this song because when they asked what this song meant the only answers they got were "oh we are doing it to please god so he can give us a nice house and car and wife"


I dont even know if the song is Bonafide.


Take it easy on me though, I am just the messenger, in vedic culture you cant kill the messenger.


hare Krsna

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