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Some good news about my situation

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That was the <a href=http://home.primus.ca/~caitanya/Siddhartha.zip>book you were earlier urged to read on the net</A> about your life; something to take the bite off the ever-present drama and something to add a little perspective about working in this world. It is very enjoyable, about Govinda, Vasudeva, brahmins, and a monk getting married and finding work in the world. You will find Haridham in Siddhartha. I found gHari in there long before I had heard of Sri Krsna, who brings you to it and gets you through it.


I was rejected too today for a job teaching computers. I made the mistake of telling them how much money I made when I was a big consultant in South America; I saw them shy away like I had the plague when I said that. Live and learn. They don't want their staff to be more accomplished than they are. If I don't tone it down I'll be forced to take another big bust-your-brain job. But I really just can't get into it anymore; my son is doing well on his own and I live on the pennies that fall from the trees. Like you say: I guess Krsna has other plans for me.


Hare Krsna


Yes, that's His plan.



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Hare Krsna, Thanks very much for your job postings and such.


I am continuing to search for a job, hopefully something will come up. I just have to endevour and krsna will provide the results. I just think that if Krsna doesnt want me to have a job at this point and right now is a time for me to get tested then thats what will happen.


I hope you are having some luck. I wish I could be of service like you have been to me but I am a fool and a failure.


I am 25 and nothing much to show for it.


I will be ok though. If you have any other postings let me know.



Hare Krsna

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Well Hare Krsna everyone


I got some more good news. With the job front I have two positions which i can go for. The first is working at A&B sound and the other is working as a downtown ambassodor which pays 10.25 an hour.


Also I found out that I dont even need a job to sponser my wife. So she will be here hopefully soon as krsna is showing me the light at the end of the tunnel


Hare Krsna eveyone

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Hare Krsna everyone


Well today was my first day of work and I am happy to inform you guys that I did well. THey trained me and this other girl for an hour and 15 minutes or so and then when I finally called people for the 15 minutes I made 3 sales in 15 minutes. I am soooo happpy.


This is krsna's mercy. I am soooooo stoked man.


I think I was a little bit to excited there as the girl that trained with me didnt do all that well but she hopefully will do better.


My fortunes are changing, all guru maharaj's and krsna's grace. One step at a time. First telemarketing and now then the world. Muuuuuaaahhhahahahahah


Hare Krsna

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I think they got impressed. I got a ten dollar bonus too. It will be added in my paycheck. Now you think that I should donate my first pay check to the temple or keep it and save it until I have enough and then donate something.



Yes, refrigerators to eskimos is my next challenge. After that it will be heaters to Californians.



Book distribution is a key means to change society. I am trying to figure out how I will do books and work at the same time.


Oh well, thats in december.

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Hare Krsna Prabhu, it seems its been a while since I have written anything on any of these posts but a little bit of an update.


Well work is going great thanks to krsna. It was an incredible weekend. It was my third day in and I was the top seller this weekend. I just say Hare Krsna before I sit down and hope things work out.


Now things are taking shape.


Hare Krsna

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  • 5 weeks later...

sometimes we are called to places that we never thought we would go. If one believes that Krishna is in a way moving, or sending you somewhere, why question it? So, starbucks sells non-vegitarian food. You will meet non-vegitarians. You will meet people who are lost. you are not lost, you can help them. I don't mean go nutz and convert anyone, but mabey you can do some good there. I find Krishna in the oddest of places, mabey He's sending you to be there as well. Hare Krishna.

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