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God poll in America

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Source: Harris Interactive

Published: October 16, 2003 Author: Humphrey Taylor



Most Americans agree that there is a God, but their perceptions of who God is and how much God controls events on Earth vary greatly. There is no consensus on God’s gender, form or role on Earth:


A plurality (42%) of all adults (but only 37% of men) thinks God is male, but only 1% thinks God is female. Almost half of all adults believe that God is neither male nor female (38%) or that God is both (11%).


Only 9% think of God as being like a human being with a face, body, arms, legs and eyes. Almost half (48%) think of God as a spirit or power that can take on human form, while 27% think of God as a spirit or power who does not take a human form.


Less than a third (29%) of the public believes that God controls what happens on Earth. Half (50%) believes God observes but does not control events on Earth, while 6% believe God neither observes nor controls earthly events.


A slender (53%) majority believes that Jews, Christians, and Muslims all worship the same God, but 32% think they worship different gods.


These are some of the results of a survey by Harris Interactive based on a nationwide sample of 2,306 adults surveyed online between September 16 and 23, 2003. Other results from this Harris Poll were released yesterday.


The poll finds interesting differences between members of different religions. Pluralities of Catholics (46%) and Protestants (49%) think of God as male. A large majority of Jews (69%) see God as neither male nor female.


A plurality of Catholics (49%) and a majority of Protestants (56%) think of God as a spirit or power that can take on human form but is not inherently human. A plurality of Jews (42%) thinks of God as a spirit or power that does not take on human form.


Protestants (38%) are also more likely than Catholics (21%) and Jews (9%) to believe that God controls what happens on Earth. They are also less likely (51%) than Jews (64%) or Catholics (58%) to believe that Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the same God.


Humphrey Taylor is the chairman of The Harris Poll®, Harris Interactive.

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Leaving behind others, what about the belief of people who knows hinduism I mean Narayana/Krishna.

DO we consider God as male or female. HHis potenncy is worshiped in female form. There are instances where Narayana Himself took Mohini avathar.

Does it all mean that God is male.

Krishna was in male form, does it means that God is only male.

I like to see Krishna as female too then I cant imagine how beautiful He would be . Or is He the Mahalakshmi when He is female.

As long as God is there its happy. Whether He comes as father or mother or brother or sister.


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