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why do I keep on failing?

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and continue chanting and praying. Staying down is not an option.


As beginners (which most of us are) we tend to under estimate the degree of control that maya has on our senses.


It may be best for some of us to first realize our dependence on Hrskesh as the true controler of even maya and forget the verbal vows for a while.


But we still must aim at making our practical life our vow trying to show our chasity to Krsna at every step.


Time is on our side as we are eternal. We will get out of birth and death and attain love for Krsna at some point. Don't doubt that.


In this culture one always hears pop songs rather we like it or not. One has given me strength. Some line from a song by some Australian band I think goes like this.


"I get knocked down, but I get up again, never gonna keep me down..."


Don't waste too much time getting down on yourself for smoking some pot. Krsna has seen it all before and is just waiting for you to increase your dependence on Him.


As I reread this post I realize I am talking to myself as well as guestji. So often the truth.


Hare Krsna

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Weed messes you up for a few days and with such a scattered mind you can't chant. Become addicted to chanting. When you won't want to go for days without the joy of chanting, then you will drop the dope. Krsna can do that. He and His association are both All-Attractive like the sanskrit says.


It will happen. Gradually you will find yourself never near it; you will run for fear of being away from Krsna for so long. Like the snake sheds its skin, it is a gradual thing. We are creatures of habit. Time to break in a new habit, "a higher taste" is the buzzword. It is a much higher taste. Eventually you'll forget why you ever toked.

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I used to take drugs like weed, hashish, acid, ecstasy and I know how you feel. In present time, I chant Hare Krishna and prepare prasadam -without drugs. But how did it happen? At one moment I felt that I needed something more stable than drugs, which people have to pay for and which steal their freedom. I was also causal drinker, but I wasn't ashamed at all, eventhough I already took up chanting&reading Bhagavadgita and deeply started loving Krishna at that time. Well, in bhagavadgita there is a very nice phrase told by Krishna : "Whatever you do, think of me." That's it. Don't bother to judge -it's all relative. Try to sacrifice your enjoyment from weed to Krishna. Y'know it's like a prasadam -you can appreciate a good food -it's nothing bad about it regarding the fact that it was offered to Krishna.

Weed is also for purpose in this world. It's for people like you to come to Krishna by this way. Try to really work while running on it. Try to listen what weed is trying to tell you. Don't control yourself, let it "get" you. One of the bad things about drugs is that we try to control them. I started to worship Krishna, because in those high states I found out that there is an option to go even higher, if u think of Krishna and thank him for the enjoyment. It's a connection with God, but it's like an advertisment /images/graemlins/smile.gif You have to get there by your own and fell it instantly. If you really concentrate on your self development and remember the things you see on weed, you can develop stronger love to Krishna and that will help you to be free from drugs. Halluciongens r not addictive, it's just in your head, I've quit from day to day. Just remember it's all your path, it's certainly better than living in what "straight" people consider a normal -hypocracy.


if u(or anyone else)'d like to discuss about drugs vs.krishna consciousness feel free to discuss it with me: pedromicho@hotmail.com -it would really help me, cause I still feel this power of maya & I don't want to go under.


hare krishna!

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Dear Guest,

The bhakti path is a path of love.

If you treat it like a test you will fail.

Love asks an open heart and gentle steps

rather than the sacrificial success or failure.

Remember Bob Dylan's lines from LOVE MINUS ZERO,

"There is no success like failure

and failure's no success at all".

Jay Shree Radhey!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hare Krishna Guest!


I too, like many others here, have experienced what you are going through. It took me quite awhile to stop smoking pot. I still did it even when I didn't like what it did to me. I really don't understand why I kept doing anyway though. But, it did take some time for me to loose my taste for it completely. Thanks to Krishna's mercy and the Holy Names, I've experienced much better things by chanting. Just keep chanting Krishna's names and you will get through it. Let me know if I can do anything else for you.


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