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Now, I am taking History 12 and GED. Usually now there isnt much talk of religion but sometimes it gets into the air and things are discussed. I try to be diplomatic and stay out of it as I would rather focus on school


A couple of interesting notes though, In my GED class there is A black bodied lady who wears a barqa(sp) and happens to be a muslim. Now she asked me once about Hinduism and I told her a few things and she seemed satisfied. Now I am wondering though what is the best way I should talk to her about Krsna if it comes up. Anyone have any suggestions.


Also In my History 12 class yesterday there were talking about Hilter and how he taught that being in a congragation made the persons beliefs stronger and such. Some how my teacher said just like the Jahova's Witnesses(not comparing or saying that they are the same thing) and how they like traveling in pairs so they dont loose their faith.


Someone said well Religion is a Sham and such, how do I reply to some of these things that are said.

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told her a few things and she seemed satisfied. Now I am wondering though what is the best way I should talk to her about Krsna if it comes up. Anyone have any suggestions.



In my experience of discussing religion with Muslims, the best way to go about it would be to gauge exactly how "fanatical" is she? You say she wears a barkha, so I would suspect that she is a very devout Muslim who will hold all or most of the classic strong beliefs.


If the topic of Krishna comes up, she is likely to talk against "idol worship" or about God being "depicted" especially as a "man," would I be correct?


In which case, ignore the topic of idols for now. It would be interesting to relate how almost every 'proper' religion usually holds a humanlike conception of God. Judaism/Chritianity does, Hinduism does, and so on. Shall I tell you a secret? Muslims also hold a humanlike conception of God, yet they do not know it.



Some how my teacher said just like the Jahova's Witnesses(not comparing or saying that they are the same thing) and how they like traveling in pairs so they dont loose their faith. Someone said well Religion is a Sham and such, how do I reply to some of these things that are said.



About the travelling in pairs thing, that can be seen even in the material world. People of are of like-mind will always hang out together. Is there a group of gothic-like kids at your school who wear black clothes and dark make-up? Can you imagine if a preppie hangs out with them? Looks weird, doesn't it?

The same is true of religion as well, in our Vaishnava line it's called "sadhu-sanga," the company of the saints. Even though I doubt anyone could make a claim to be a saint (tongue firmly in cheek! /images/graemlins/wink.gif ), it's a fact that people need the association of those who are of like-mind. Those who have no association at all are usually quite lonely people, and that's not a nice existence.


About religion being a sham, everyone is entitled to their opinion? And they will also have no right to ridicule you because you are also entitled to your opinion?

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I know how you feel. I went through the same thing. For whatever reason I preached at school whenever I got the chance. From teachers to fellow students. Ofcourse the Students thought I was crazy but the teachers thought I was something refreshing.


Ofcourse preaching to much and not concentrating on your school is a way to fail highschool....trust me I know.


I had many crazy experiances in High school and Krsna consciousness.

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