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India Steps Up Effort to Halt Abortions of Female Fetuses

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India Steps Up Effort to Halt Abortions of Female Fetuses




ATEHGARH SAHIB, INDIA, October 26, 2003: India's "son complex" is

visible in this prosperous market town on the rich plains of the

Punjab. Girls, by the thousands, are missing. Local parents in search

of a son, a prize in Indian culture, have used ultrasound machines to

determine the sex of the fetus growing in the mother's womb. If the

fetus is male, the parents keep it, if it is female, they often abort

it. J. K. Banthia, the Indian census commissioner, estimates that 25

million fetuses have been aborted in the last 20 years because they

were female. Some states have mounted stepped-up enforcement campaigns

that include public education, inspections and edicts from religious

leaders. But Mr. Banthia, the Indian census commissioner, said he

believed that the government had only slowed the spread of the

practice. "I wouldn't say it has decreased," he said. Abortion is legal

in India, but it is illegal to abort a fetus because of its sex, and so

the determination tests are banned. India's health minister, Sushma

Swaraj, recently proposed that the government begin an advertising

campaign warning that there would not be enough women for men to marry

if the trend continued, a situation that some say already exists here

in northern India. Officials are also considering paying families a

supplement if they have a girl.

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I apolgize for causing admin 5 to feel the need to edit my previous post. I can't remember my exact wording but I assume it was rather blunt.


I'll try to be more diplomatic. I believe such demons that provide killing the unborn for money should be subjected to the death penalty.

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<font color="green"> </font color> Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 6.16.14



In this verse the word bäla-hatyä-hata-prabhäù is to be particularly noted. The practice of killing children has existed in human society for a long time;since time immemorial;but in the days of yore it was very rarely performed. At the present moment, however, in this age of Kali, abortion;killing of the child within the womb;has become very common, and sometimes a child is even killed after birth. If a woman performs such an abominable act, she gradually loses all her bodily luster (bäla-hatyä-hata-prabhäù). It is also to be noted that the ladies who had committed the sinful act of administering poison to the child were very much ashamed, and according to the directions of the brahmanas, they had to undergo atonement for killing the child. Any woman who has ever performed such an infamously sinful act must atone for it, but no one now is doing that. Under the circumstances, the women responsible must suffer in this life and the next. Those who are sincere souls, after hearing this incident, should refrain from such child-killing and should atone for their sinful activities by taking to Krsna consciousness very seriously. If one chants the Hare Krsnaa maha-mantra without offenses, all of one's sinful actions are surely atoned for immediately, but one should not commit such deeds again, for that is an offense.

<font color="green"> by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Parabhupada </font color>

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It is just so sick how they kill unborn girls (boys and girls in western countries) for their own pleasure. In china they abandon the baby girls, leaving them in orphanage etc it is so sad /images/graemlins/frown.gif .


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  • 3 weeks later...


Speaking of fetuses/unborn children, I just received an e-mail detailing that Chinese do not only abandon babies but they also eat fetuses! I feel sick looking at the pictures of a baby stew.Yuckyyyyy /images/graemlins/frown.gif ...How true is this? Baby-eaters believed that full-term unborn babies contain the best healing qualities?

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Here it is theist:


Why are they so cruel ?


Brief translation :

A shocking news circulated in China . A town in Canton is now on

trend taking baby herbal soup to increase health and sexual performance/stamina. The cost in China currency = apprx $ 4000 ( I think it is about R2000.


A factory manager was interviewed and he testified that it is effective

because he is a frequent customer . It is a delicacy where by expensive

herbs are added to boil the baby with chicken meat for 8 hours boiling

/steaming . He pointed to his second wihe next to him , who is 19(he

is 62), and testified that they have sex everyday .


After waiting for a couple of weeks he took this reporter to the

restaurant when he was informed by restaurant Manager that the spare rib soup (local code for baby soup ) was now availble . This time it was a couple who have 2 daughters and this 3rd one was confirmed to be a daughter again . So the couple aborted the baby which was 5 months old . Those baby close to be born and die naturally costs 2000 in China

currency. Those aborted ones cost a few hundreds in China Currency . Those who did not want to sell dead babies , placentas can be accepted also for couple of hundreds .


The reporter making comment that is this the problem arised from Chinese being taking too much attention in health or is the backfire when China introduced one child in a family policy ( since majority prefers to have male babies and those poorer families need ended up selling their female babies

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More pictures...sorry..this is creepy.... /images/graemlins/frown.gif


[Moderators Note: We have removed the attachment pictures. There are many different people [adults and children] who visit these forums, and we do not wish an unsuspecting person to be traumatized by seeing such images. Thank you.]

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eating babies is one of the symptoms of this Age of Kali as described in Srimad Bhagavatam. It will get a lot worse. I have heard that it happens here in US also. Several years ago there was an investigation in NY City that alleged such practices (with very rich people involved) but things were swept uder the carpet as usual in such cases.

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Yes, it seems like some symptoms of Kali-yuga are here early, but this process of degradation is quite uneven. Some places are a lot more degraded than others. Even canibalism is coming back to Africa (many cases reported in Congo for example) while some tropical islands still seem like paradise (and were even closer to that ideal before white people came there only 200 years ago)

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Few months ago, I received an e-mail that certain Taiwanese restaurant caters fetus. There were pictures attached to the e-mail. I am not sure if the issue was true, but the pictures are very disgusting and very convincing. When I searched it via internet, I found this:




Clarification from Taiwan's Government via email response

from: the Government Information Office, Taiwan.






"Service of GIO" <service@mail.gio.gov.tw> note: the Government Info Office, Taiwan.

"eyes" <eyes@mofa.gov.tw>, <architectuk@>

Re: Fw:[E900762] inquiry about the baby-eating rumour

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 14:49:35 +0800



Dear Sir,



Thank you for your letter.

The origin of the baseless accusation against Taiwan dates back to an article in a Malaysian magazine, "Warta Perdana," titled "Taiwan's Hottest Food."


After Taiwanese authorities investigated the situation, it was determined that the article was absolutely untrue. "Warta Perdana" later admitted that the article was based on an anonymous, unverifiable e-mail message; the magazine has since written a correction and issued a formal apology.


The man in the picture is actually a mainland-Chinese artist, Chu Li, from Beijing. He is known to perform violent, shocking acts to elicit a response from his audience. Regrettably, he chose to eat an aborted fetus in an attempt to protest the Chinese government's lack of support for performance art. It should be emphatically known that his performance did not take place in Taiwan.


Such inhuman acts are not and have never been a part of any country's culture. To help clarify this fact to the recipients of the slanderous e-mail, we hope that you will forward this response to whoever sent you the pictures. It is our hope that this clarification will be read by everyone who was led to believe that such a gruesome accusation existed in Taiwan.


We thank you for your understanding and hope this message offers peace of mind and some degree of explanation.



Very respectfully,


The Government Information Office, ROC.




Then yesterday, I received an e-mail with more horrible pictures but can't find it in the internet. Theist, if you want I can send you the pictures via e-mail...just in case you want to see /images/graemlins/smile.gif


In early 2001, FBI and Taiwan government officials demanded an immediate retraction. But, photos are still on display in some sites.


Then I personally asked a colleague of mine in China (also my friend) regarding this and he told me that this is very true especially in remote places in China. Well, they say if there is a smoke, surely there is a fire.


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Myra, I'll pass on the emailed photos. I would have liked a place to direct people to. Those other two were enough. Looked very real. God I hope not. But demons are the majority on this planet at least in power positions. So who knows.


It is not unheard of for humans to eat humans on this planet.



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