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Is Caste and Lineage important in Vedic Culture

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Now, we all understand we are not these bodies right? Good atleast thats clear.


When I met my wife, I told her I dont believe in this all cast nonsense. We "belong" to the Soni(goldsmith) cast.(which I totally reject because of the bodily concept and not only that they hate each other and are the cause of my marriage issues) I told her we are not these bodies etc and we all know the caste system is totally hellish. It is extremely limiting and inhumane.



Now I have a question, Why do even today pundits and such even in India ask what your caste is when you enter the temple? Arent they supposed to know that we are not these bodies? I mean caste is bodily designation. So is family lineage correct?


This birth I am born in the Jogia family and next birth I will be born as Mr. Topiwala or Patel, Johnson, Anderson or somethin or other.


Now by birth we are all born sudras, according to the vedas. So shoudnt these pundits understand that since we are all born as Sudras we are equal?


By your nature you are considered a Brahmin, Ksatriya, Vaisya, sudra etc. I mean if I am born in a family where my Father is a doctor that doesnt make me a doctor automaticaly.


So is Caste and Family Lineage(gotra or godra sp) important?


I mean over and over again Prabhupad and other Vaisnava Acharayas have stated we are not these bodies and such so why do we have to make such disctinction?


Please help clarify this. I think I will change my last name too. I think it will be something funny.


Any suggestions?


Hope to hear or read your comments


Hare Krsna



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yes, these considerations are important in Vedic culture, but not critical to establishing your social position. they are certainly material but in order to function in an orderly society your varna needs to be determined. the most important aspect of determining your varna is based on your qualities and work, with birth being a distant second criteria. the current caste system in India has very little to do with Vedic culture.

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