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coming more then once a week! Unheard of!!!!

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Hare Krsna everyone.


I just wanted to write this because of an observation I made last week after Goverdhan puja.


During Govardhan Puja last saturday our temple was basically pact. Lots of people came taking prasadam, watching the play, doing ram puja and observing the huge mountain of prasad called govardhan to which most indian people had no clue what it meant.


Anyways, the next night...being sunday feast not that many people showed up.It was quite empty. I was astonished, why hadnt people come to the temple today. Then I realised "ooohhh yeah they did their weekly darshan of god" Like they are doing Krsna a favor. They dont realise they need Krsna.


I mean coming to the temple more then once a week...unheard of.


I was talking to someone who said yeah I go once a week and saturday was it. I dont need to go on sunday.


This is the mentality of Indian people in Kaliyuga. Most devotees young and old love going to the temple. I love going to see Sri Sri Radha Madhan Mohan.


I dont find it a chore.


Hare Krsna

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Whats a moaner? There is a word I have never have been insulted with...I think that was an insult...hmmmm


Anyways, Yeah spending time with family is good. I never mentioned anything that has anythign to do with anything.


I was just saying you shoudnt just come to the temple once a week thinking you are doing krsna a favor.


And thinking coming to the temple once a week is enough is what I was talking about.


DOnt most hindu families cook at home everyday and not just sundays???




Hare krsna

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as u know in most hindu family's they have temples at home, so they are thinking we don't NEED to go to the temple, forgetting the sat-sanga they could get (i forget as well, since i am apparantly a 'hindu'), i think this attitude in mainly in the west,


also just going to the temple as a favour to krishna is a good point, but there is still some love in this thinking..like i.e. ppls might think i'll go see krishna oh He will be pleased..but when they get there they might think diff, anyways thats in their own hearts for now and they are unwilling to reveal..


ps. i am sure you are not offeneded by me calling u a moaner, if you are then i am sorry..hari bol!

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Haridham, I have not visited a temple in 2 months. You do not know what goes on in my heart. Every day my heart revolves around God, please don't take this as a statement of ego, because it is true. I too try to chant, try to do something for Him, even though I am not honest and truthful , I try to be. I try to please Him, by thinking about Him and reading about Him on the internet. I try to please Him by going to a Website that shows his darshan on a webcam, thanks to a devotee here. I try to do these things. I also try to ask him for stuff sometimes, due to my intense desires, but then I feel bad and ask him to not give them to me. I go crazy each day, I bear insults which I feel I don't deserve but still I deserve because I left krishna and was dishonest to many people. I do these things and I am sure that there are more crazy people like me, who do these things even though they have no power to go to a temple. So, please, don't think that they don't have any bhakthi, they do have bhakthi just like you. You are pleasing krishna because of His mercy, not every one is as fortunate as you.

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I never questioned what was in someones heart. Yes Krsna is in your heart and everyone has faith.


But if you have faith(not just you, people in general) then krsna will direct you to his home. Just like if you love a friend very dearly surely you will go and visit him.


an I right?


There is nothing better then going to see krsna at his home. He is waiting for you to come back. The temple is non different then Krsna's home. It is your duty to go to the temple.


Also going to the temple is not just to see krsna but associate with devotees.


So if we have so much love and faith why not visit your friend and say hello.

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Dear Prabhu Haridham, how about those people who can't go every day to a temple, because the temple is only open on sunday?

You are very fortunate, i wish i could go every day to the temple.



All glories to the Vaisnavas

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That was a very nice reply.


I am not saying that people who CANT go to the temple are bad and people who do go everyday are good. I am simply saying that if people have the mentality that going once a week is good enough and shoudnt go any other day or are "to busy" then that is something to be talked about.


I hope you understand what i mean, I dont go to the temple everyday either. But I love going to the temple as much as I can. I dont try to satisfy my false ego and my mind by thinking ok I have gone today, no need to go again this week.

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I mean coming to the temple more then once a week...unheard of.


I was talking to someone who said yeah I go once a week and saturday was it. I dont need to go on sunday.


This is the mentality of Indian people in Kaliyuga. Most devotees young and old love going to the temple. I love going to see Sri Sri Radha Madhan Mohan.




I like going to temples of Krishna.


But I love going to temples of Krishna were His devotees practice what they preach, follow all the regulative principles, are devoted to their guru's instructions, and are as cultured as the best of Aryans.


I have yet to find such a temple, though, which is why I only go from time to time. All I find in most temples is a lot of fault-finding from individuals who are themselves full of faults. Some days they can criticize some Vaishnavas whose philosophy they never studied, only to watch television and talk about other nonsense things like celebrity gossip on other days. I don't feel so inspired by such association.


Though I do find much inspiration from devotees for whom austerity, simplicity, and brahminical culture come very naturally. But they are few and far between. It's unfortunate that some people say that these are traits of "pure devotees," thus implicitly offering an excuse for their own inability to follow such virtues. In reality, having such virtues is a must for anyone who s to the Aryan culture. Pure devotion is still something much more than this, but simple virtues like this are a prerequisite - actually, the inability to practice such virtues shows that one is not controlled in the senses, and there can be no question of a person having pure devotion if one can not even control his senses.



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You don't have to go to the temple to see the Lord...


If you never go to temple in your life it doesn't really matter. You can worship god in your own shrine at home or in the shrine of your own heart.


Be careful about critisizing others. Try to identify and eliminate some of your own flaws before complaining about the faults of other people.


Don't think it is your own goodness that brings you to the temple, it is God's grace. You can say "I'm going to temple today." but without the Lord's grace, you' might meet with an accident on the way.


Please be careful what you say, and God bless you.

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I understand your points and I know that there are a few that fall in that catogary. Now I am not in complete denial of this. All I wish to say is that look for those that inspire you. I have found all the devotees in the vancouver temple to be inspiring.


I think for me I look beyond the faults because every living being has faults, this is kali yuga remember. Just look at how they serve krsna and if they treat you a little bit bad, consider it krsna's mercy.


I have had devotees get upset at me or chastise me, I didnt get upset as I realised they are giving me constructive critizm.


Every human being has four defects.


Propensity to cheat others and to be cheated


Imperfect senses


Being in Illusion


and telling lies.


Nobody is free from that, but the devotees of the lord who are dedicating their life to krsna we must realise maya is attacking them much harder and sometimes these show more then people outside.


I would take shelter of them and their chastitizment without a second thought.

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Guest you are tottaly right. We dont have to go to the temple, however I never said we had to go to the temple. My comment was that we SHOULD(meaing free will to go or not)go to the temple as going to a holy place brings inspiration and such you cannot attain from home. Atleast I cant. Maybe I can live at your house.


I wasnt critizing anyone, just a mentality i had a problem with.


Hare Krsna

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All I was trying to do is discuss the point that if everything is in control of Krishna, then where do we see imperfection? If krishna is perfect and if the material energy is also the part of krishna's energy and the rest of it all are the spirit souls where do we see imperfection?



Take care.


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Dear Guestji, let go,Haridham Prabhu is not critizing anyone. First read what He is has written and think about it. It seems like everyone is in a fighting spirit.

Haridhama Prabhu please take a humble position and let them, say what they want, you know better.


Trnad api sunicena




All glories to the Vaisnavas


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"Dear Guestji, let go,Haridham Prabhu is not critizing anyone. First read what He is has written and think about it. It seems like everyone is in a fighting spirit.

Haridhama Prabhu please take a humble position and let them, say what they want, you know better.


Trnad api sunicena"


No, I am not trying to fight, but I am making a point that whatever is there, is there because of His wish. thats all.

I apologize if I had made it sound as if said in fighting spirit.




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