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Collective Karma

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I personally don't believe in it. I see all karma as individual. It appears to be collective as it seems the gods will assemble a number of individuals together for a certain disaster. But if we look closer we see that within that collective each persons experience was still unique.


Just yesterday I saw a story of the current fires in southern California. We can say that all those in that area had some collective fire karma but yet the story I saw was of one house in a neighborhood that was still standing while all those around it, including directly on each side of it, were burnt to the ground.


Why the difference?


Just my speculations. No shastra to offer.

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IMHO its both, collective and individual. Nothing happens by chance, so groups of people will gather together because they have something in common, including karma. They are often like-minded at least in some ways and will recieve their good and bad karmic reactions collectively yet on an individual level. Just my opinion.

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that question needs to be clarified, asking if a

country recieves karma ,good or bad , is not

really a very definite question.


A country is not a conscious entity, it does not make

decisions or create karma good or bad, it is not

possible for a non sentient entity to have any kind

of reciprocal relationship with Maya that will

result in some kind of action/reaction.


The people in the country are enjoying or suffering

the results of fruitive activity based on their desire

to lord it over this mundane energy,or the material

world, their relative enjoyment or non enjoyment is relative to the quality of their fruitive endeavor and subsequent decisions and motivations/reactions.


All of this is taking p[lace within the sphere of influence of Maya-shakti, the material energy of God,

what history rolls out is not haphazard or a spontaneous

karmic reality, it is as Krishna states working under His direction,His plan, the destiny of planets,countries,

or individuals is all under strict supervision and following a pre planned script, So what may appear to

some as collective Karma of a country,is in fact

more like a play,following the direction of it's director,with the actors each with his own specific




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