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butter stealer...heart stealer

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another offering of my devotion to the ultimate heart stealer...Lord Krishna.

Picture is courtsey of art gallery at Krishna.com.


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<font color="blue">

look at the

ultimate heart stealer!

sneaking and

stealing all that butter!

can u see beneath

His pranks n jokes

that He constantly

plays on us lost souls?


the Owner of everything

that one can own

the Lord of everything

that one can lord

as He pretends to be

the stealer and thief

He must be amused

at our tendencies

to claim ownership

and be the chief

of things

that we neither own

nor can lord.


the sparkle and twinkle

seem to beckon

through His eyes

"awaken you sleepyheads!

to the light of truth!

awaken from the slumber

of your lies!"



</font color>


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thank you for seeing the humor in my devotional expression :-).


have u read my other poem "oh bumble bee!" ...it's on Radha Rani's pining love for Krishna....it is not humorous but i have tried to veil in Radha Rani's pining - the desire for all devotees to unite their soul with the Supreme Lord Krishna.


Do read it and let me know if you liked it.



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<font color="blue"> Excerpt from purport by Srila Prabhupada: </font color>

Although mundane people like nonviolence and other such brilliant qualities, God, the Absolute Truth, being always the same, is good in any activities, even so-called immoral activities like stealing, killing and violence. Krishna is always pure, and He is always the Supreme Absolute Truth. Krishna may do anything supposedly abominable in material life, yet still He is attractive. Therefore His name is Krishna, meaning all-attractive. This is the platform on which transcendental loving affairs and service are exchanged.

Please read 3 times over (or more) for benefit.

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Haridham Prabhu


Thanks for your sweet comments. I couldnt help smiling to myself reading them.


The fact that you liked the poem is an indication that you certainly have devotion in you for Krishna. When I had posted this poem on another poetry site visited by Indians who certainly know Krishna, I did not get any response and it was partly because although they know Krishna, not many understand enough about Krishna consciousness or bhakti-yoga (in its truest sense) to possess devotion for Krishna.


So, if you were inspired by the poem, i am sure you too can write. C'mon give it a go....Krishna is pleased with all kinds of attempts to express devotion. Krishna does not discriminate. Devotion is devotion - however perfect or imperfect may be its expression. What matters is what is in our hearts.


In fact, my spiritual master always encourages us by saying that Krishna looks very fondly and amusingly at devotees who are taking baby steps on the path of bhakti and becomes very pleased. Therefore, I always have this image of Krishna looking upon me fondly.


Pls dont mind my preaching...just felt like sharing




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