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Getting Cursed!!!!

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I don't exactly follow skating, but I am a father (which means I have known lots of skaters) and a former skater (early '60s, real bad accident in my senior year in HS), I also know who Tony Hawk is (who from the San Diego area doesn't?). The guy became a billionaire from skating! When I see kids skating, and especially when I see competitions on TV, I'm amazed at what is done with skateboards today. For us in the early '60s, going downhill and making a few cool turns was where it was at.


And now when I see Jay Stevason, I can say that I (virtually) know his old man. Congratualtions, Gary, on having a son whose head is on so straight.

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how did this turn into a tony hawk conversation anyway?


Well either way, its nice to know that your son is doing well Ghari, krsna is helping him fulfill his dreams. Is your son still favorable towards krsna consciousness?


Tony hawk should skate with a sikha and a dhoti ofcourse, i would pay a dollar to see that.


Hare Krsna

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But like the rest of the world, he drifted away when all the evil news hit the fan in the eighties. He has come around quite a bit though, apologizing for spurning me, saying that he is glad I have something that makes me happy.


Then a few years back he saw a devotee in downtown Toronto and approached him. He purchased 'his personal' mini Bhagavad-gita As It Is as a Christmas present for me. I was quite blown away. Opening the gift that day generated one of the biggest most heartfelt spontaneous "Jaya Prabhupada"s the world will ever hear.


I try to focus on the positive, and remember that sweet innocent boy who was like my guru for so many years. He will be back again one day.


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I feel it is normal for our kids to question and even to not think about all this for a period of time. After all, we joined, whereas they were born into it.


Sometimes they have to go out into the material world and get kicked in order to appreciate what they had, or to "join" too. It takes time tho, and can also take repeated kicks.


I have one kid who gives me harder time than the other, but I see gradual advancement. And at least has Deities in the home, etc. But philosphical points need clarification. Ddue to all the nonsense that went down which unforuntaly was prested as if it were Krishna consciousness, it takes a long time to get it thru to them that it was not Krishna consciousness at all. Gradually though, it does get through.


We just have to remain their friend (yet, parent) as no one will be there for them the way we will, and when they are feeling affection for us, we can sometimes throw in a little, mellow preaching. I have heard even professional therapist say, 'Don't think your kids dont have you when you talk, they do! So give them good morals and guidelines.' IMHO, that applies to giving them Krishna consciousness too.

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I think the kids who happen to be the future of iskcon will come back stronger and bring Krsna consciousness to great heights.


There will be a new renassance(sp)


Krsna has a chosen few who will lead this movement, surely if it is predicted we must last ten thousand years and ofcourse kids are required for that.



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