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Devotional Prayers from our programs in Iskcon.


I mean from Gaura Arti to Mangal Arti and such.


I got Guru puja and Damodarastikam but I need more. I also want Narshima prayers and anything important that I should get.


I am going to send them to my wife so she can get a jist of Krsna conciousness.


Is there anything on this site that will give me the links to it.


I want everything people, cmon. give it to me.


Also good quotes from Prabhupad regarding krsna consciousness and good Bhagavat gita quotes.


I hope I am doing the right thing.

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wow, thank you prabhu ji.


We havent had much of a place to converse but I do read your posts and I respect you a great deal.


Thank you very much for your link. It basically has everything, including songs I have never heard of or know how to sing them lol.


If there are any other links and other songs let me know.

whatever is good and popular.


I know there are a few iskcon sites that has Gaurangi and such. Let me know if you can show me more.


I am off, Hare Krsna...well i will be back in a bit


Hare Krsna

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i wish to thank you again.


I was wonedering one thing however and that is since my wife is new to Krsna consciousness what quotes from Prabhupad or Bagavat gita should I send her.


Again she has never heard of Iskcon before she met me, she just chants the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra which is still great but what do u think I should send her that is not overwhelming and yet easy to understand.


Something in french prefered as she is fluent in French.


hare Krsna

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" she just chants the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra which is still great "


it is absolutely great and it is probably enough


be careful that some your too enthusiastic attempts to preach her do not became oppressive...


if she chants... she's a vaishnava... please be soft

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I was talking to a Prabhupad Disciple from Seatle and I told him "although I am worried, my does chant a couple of rounds"


He replied "hey, thats better then some devotees"


We had a chuckle at that one.


YOu are right, I shoudnt preach but should lead by example.


I am a husband first then a preacher. She looks for me for love, respect, honor, protection and trust. I should give her all of that and then tell her about krsna consciousness when it chooses to arise.


Thank you.

Hare Krsna

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Thank you for the links, I have to install winamp and such before i download the songs.


How do I send them to her, remember she is in Madagascar so the quality of computers there isnt that great.



For most of the kirtans/lectures on those sites the audio is streaming, so it helps if you have a good internet connection. I believe it will work with dial-up (56k), but I'm not sure because I have a cable modem.



WHat does SDL mean anyway?



Spiritual Discussions Lurker.



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