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Effects Of Eclipses This Month

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I was just wondering if anyone has any thoughts or beliefs about this being a dangerous month, based on the article below.



November 1, 2003 VNN


Two November Eclipses Bear Evil Tidings




EDITORIAL, Nov 1 (VNN) — The effects of two eclipses coming our way in November are already being felt. That's because the world has already entered into the EFI - or Eclipse Field of Influence - of both of them. According to the principles of Vedanga Jyotish, true astrology, the evil effects of a major omen like an eclipse grow as we move closer to the date of the phenomenon. As stated in the Shrimad Bhagavat Mahapurana, eclipses are due to the handiwork of Rahu, a demon envious of Lords Surya (Sun) and Chandra (Moon). In November, the first eclipse will occur on November 8th, the night of Kartika Purnima, and will be visible iin Africa, Europe, Western and Central Asia, Eastern North America, Central America and South America. The Moon will be in the primal sign of Mesha rashi or Aries, ruled by the warrior planet Mangal or Mars.


A fortnight later, the second eclipse will be a Surya-grahan, or total eclipse of the Sun, on the 23rd of November. This solar eclipse will occur while the Sun is in Scorpio or the Mars-ruled Vrischik rashi and the date will correspond to the day of the dark Moon, or Amavashya, in the month of Margashirsha. Both Kartika and Mrigashirsha are strongly Mars-influenced months. Margashirsha is named for the nakshatra Mrigashirsha which is ruled by Mars. Kartika is named for the nakshatra Krittika which is found in the Martian sign of Aries. This total solar eclipse will be visible in Australia and the tip of South America.


Eclipses tend to have stronger mal-effects upon (1) geographical regions that are ruled by the signs in which the phenomenons occur and (2) places where the event is visible. In this connection it may be prudent to note that the UK is Aries-ruled and France is Scorpio-ruled. Scorpio rules the mining business, oil drilling, etc. Natives who are born under either of the two Martian signs, or whose janma kundalis (horoscopes) reflect a strong influence of Aries and Scopio, should also exercise caution. Mars-influenced natives have an energetic and youthful appearance, are very bright and active, sometimes have red or reddish hair, blue eyes and a reddish complexion. This year Mars, which rules both signs in which these eclipses occur, has been unusually bright, a fiery,red ball shining ominously in the night sky throughout the Summer and into the Autumn. Astronomers guess that Mars is the closest to the Earth it has been for 60,000 years. Whatever the crude assessment of mundane scientists, the bright visibility of the war-like Mars is in itself a powerful augury, especially since both November '04 eclipses are to occur in Martian signs. The heat wave this summer in Europe killing many thousands in France may be astrologically attributed to the close proximity of Mars.


Even a casual study of history vis-a-vis dates of past eclipses reveals that the liklihood of many sorts of catastrophes has been increased during the EFI of an eclipse. The devasting fires in Southern California in the news today that have scorched nearly 500 square miles, while destroying hundreds of homes and incinerating over a dozen hapless victims, are an early effect of the coming eclipses. Remember that Mars is a fiery planet, and November's first eclipse on the eighth will occur in Aries. The newspapers over the next few weeks will record many events such as (but not limited to) increased warfare in the Middle East and Iraq, hotel or hospital fires, airport disasters even freakish meteorological conditions. A world leader may fall in scandal or in tragedy. The Nov. 23rd solar event in Scorpio is an unhappy augury for the oil, chemical, and shipping industries. A great disaster may occur at sea, or there could be an oil spill. Malicious Rahu rules secret, corruptive behavior and stealth, like poisonous smoke that creeps in silently. Consequently, the governments of the world should be extra-vigilant in the matter of subversive activities. Smugglers, terrorists and thieves often strike during EFI's. Riots may occur in Asia and a major food-poisoning scandal could erupt. Seismic activity along the Pacific rim cannot be ruled out. Australians should be wary of wildfires. For governments and police forces, vigilance is the key. Devotees should pay attention to holy fasts like the Nov 4th Kartika shukla Prabhodini Ekadashi. It is always customary to chant the holy names of the Lord during an eclipse, hence our Savior Mahaprabhu advented Himself at such a time. As Jagat Guru Shrila Prabhupada assured us, "Krishna can kick away 10,000 Rahus."

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