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I share the concerns of the nameless guest (an identifier would be helpful). I fear the CEO's of our large pharmacuetical companies have only their shareholders interests in mind. And beyond that their jobs. Let's not forget they are publically traded concerns.


Anybody familiar with the GE case some years back where they obtained a patent on living organisms? This not from the patent office directly they were at first rejected. They won their case on an appeal to the Supreme Court.


The basis of G.E.'s arguement was that there is no distinction between the living and the nonliving. The Supreme Court of the United States argreed.


I know I have a vivid and rather dark imagination but I picture privately owned human clones as someones slave workforce in the future. Whay not? Alter enough genes and you can get a patent.


The case was from the early seventies I think. I think Siddhasvarupanada was the only one in human form to notice.

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Hi Theist.


Uh, I heard "somewheresometime" what I think could be the answer. Consider it unofficial. Perhaps there are some keywords here that will help you find the answer.


The way I understand it, the living entities come to earth in the form of rain. Rain grows wheat where the entities reside. (That's why you should be especially careful about eating grains from strangers, etc.) The men ingest the grains which we know forms and replaced body cells.


So here I would imagine that the entity is in the sperm from it's formation in the body… just like the larger embryo.


So that's the fague notion I have of it. When I try to picture it… well, can't do.


Thanks for the support above.


"Your telling all those lies… about the good things we can have if we close our eyes…" Think For Yourself - George Harrison

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I read that also but that address some of the process of natural birth. Perhaps this cloninging thing wasn't addressed previously. I think that is the case because why would they feel the need to back then? And who(among the populace) would have understood it? No need.


But we do have the need now. Preachers will be asked why we should consider natural birth humans as having a soul when scientists can present clones that can do all the same things apparently without a soul.


Life coming from lkife and not matter is the foundation of this philosophy and we better have some sound answers to these questions if we want to establish this philosophy on a sound and widespread foundation.



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There can be no life without a soul. Consider this....all living things have soul and all non living things dont have soul.


Cloning is no new issue in hindu scriptures...Pritu was born from Vena's legs...How did this happen...dont u think its similar thing.


Madhvacharya says that the universe is filled with souls...probably during cloning..the soul may enter the body somehow. We are not realised souls..when we realise ourselves and realise god. We may get to know the truth.


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