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what do hindus think of recycling and perseving the world??

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I am not a hindu but I think it would be wise to only make and take what we need from material nature and leave the rest alone.


I agree with E F Shumacher when he said that someone should have to prove that a product they proposed in manufacturing was compatable with our ecosystem BEFORE they are allowed to market it. The need for recycling would then be far less as well as far easier.


As far as not making the world uninhabitable for humans, of course that should be done. Afterall we are only meant to be caretakers here on God's behalf and not domineering exploiters.


That includes other living beings as well as air water and soil.


The best thing one should do that would make the most immediate impact is to adopt a vegan lifestyle.


Hare Krsna

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This world is not to be enjoyed by you, but you have to sustain your body and mind to think and live peacefully.


One should live in harmony to realize the truth and become a Yogi. A Yogi always thinks about delicate balances. Hinduism looks at every being as a Soul belonging to God and Humans are no different from them, except they have the gift to be a little smarter. Every child of God deserves to live and be happy. Every child of God deserves to live in its natural environment. So, preserving the world and recycling is good.


The problem with today's society is that it does not think about preserving, it thinks about how to use things for its own satisfaction. Sadly, this is not possible because no matter how much you try to satisfy yourself, the desires will not die. The only way to stop them is to become desireless and stop and see the truth.






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I could be wrong, but i think thinking about such things in India may be a luxory. Many are struggling to get by, and many buisneses are trying to make as much money as they can. I don't know if the is an enviromental movement in India. It's a funny way to put it, but it sounds like a luxory to me.

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