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taking my guru with me

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Hare Krsna everyone.


Now I have a question. I am going to work steadily now as most of you know. my question is that can I take the picture of my Guru Maharaj with me or it might offend a few and be innapropriate. Yeah, how will I take care of him after so I guess maybe I shoudnt.


I guess I should just take a book to read.

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it is absolutely not offensive and it will bring you back to godhead.... unless it is too strange for your colleagues and they make offences...


if they make offences (also if you bring a prabhupada, krsna, gauranitai, nrsmhadeva photo and so on) the responsability is almost entirely yours, so do it if it is not a disturb for people


it is also a big responsability for you.. you show in this way to be a religious person so you will have to be coherent and strict

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Now maybe your Indian appearance would allow you to get away with being a bit unusual. I don't know. But for the most part, I don't bother wearing my heart on my sleeve in the workplace anymore. It's like holding out a rose only to have a dog urinate on it.


You can remember Krsna, Caitanya and guru, and even chant softly out of sight now and then. But don't let them break your heart. Save that wonderful experience for book distribution.


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It's like holding out a rose only to have a dog urinate on it.



Lead with your countenace and example and not with beads and pictures. If you sincerely keep guru on the altar of your heart that is sufficent.


Then if you make friends with someone oppurtunities for saying more will naturally arise.


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after 12 years now working with non devotees has been good since now i have some seniority. They all new in the begining that i was a "hare krsna" and some peers would joke by saying to the boss "didnt you do any back ground research on this guy?" But now since i have become a "pillar" again in this work i have more comfort in relating everything to Krishna and His instructions. And the "boss man" now knows of Prabhupada, and has chanted the Hare Krsna Mantra remembered from a "Hair" album he has.


They call George Harrison "bhakta george" when sriman george's song comes on the radio. The new guys who work with me ask questions about Krsna when they hear my radio which has only Prabhupada channel.


Because of Krsna's All Atractiveness after sometime of purification from association ,non devotees can relish necter of Krsna's association too if only for a short time.


This is my experience hare krsna and good luck!

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Yeah I am the new guy so people have to adjust to me and I have to adjust to people. I havent told them that I am a Hare Krsna at all actually. Just minding my own bussiness and talk mundane things for them to get comfortable with me and then......BAMMM!!!!!!! I am a hare Krsna, your worst nightmare...ahhahahah.


Yeah slowely but surely, krsna will give me the intelligence to do something.


I mean I was at school today and I was on a break and somehow or other me and this other guy started to talk about the matrix and how close it was to krsna consciousness, so i explained that we are not these bodies etc and he thought it was similar, i just invited him to the temple because I was tired from lack of sleep that I coudnt say the words properly. Oh well, maybe I am too puffed up and krsna wont give me the proper words to say when I get that way.


Or maybe I am just a dumba*s


Hare Krsna

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Yeah when your the boss its different bhaktachrisji. I am the boss of my own cubicle. lol. Never thought I would work in a cubicle but whatever krsna's plan is that what will happen.


I am sure if I am nice to them and when they can get to know me I will explain a little bit of the philosophy at a time. If I just come outright and say it I will be judged beyond belief.

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