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Haribol. I am apalled that the administration still call the attacks on US occupying forces acts of terrorism. We went to war on their turf, we occupy without any formal truce or armistice, and despite the absurd lie of Buish, this war is far from over.


Those who attack armed occupying foreigners are properly known as RESISTANCE, and are no more terrorists than the french who fought the nazis during their occupation.


No, the terrorism is not in Iraq. It is focussed on saudi, and acts of killing without cause, such as muslims attacking their own shrines and killing their own to try to bring about terror to ALL, this is terrorism. All the stuff in Iraq is remarkable free of terrorism, all acts of killing are acts of war, have sound reason, and is far from wanton murder. Even thopse who cross the borders to instigate resistance against amerikkkan aggression are simply allies to the iraq who now know that saddam hussein was not the only dispicable killer of semites. His replacement has also killed tens of thousands, and has also lost thousands of their own in doing so.


End this stuff now, but it probably does not matter. The line is drawn, the curse is cast. The irony is that the story of armageddon, islamic as well as biblical, has the combatants thrown on the ground by other events, forgetting what the war is alll about. We will not read about these events here, not with the sun gobbling up the planet. Itll just seem like a storm that gets out of hand.


"What to do?" the worried disciple asks. The serene Jagat Guru simply says what he always says, "Chant Hare Krsna".


hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


All glories to all the disciples and followers of Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He has greater faith in you all than you can ever have in yourselves.

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Mahak, easy please. You're bursting bubbles.


You are forcing some of these people to see themselves for a moment.


Isn't it such a crock that they think they can put in a puppet regieme? It's easy to imagine anyone that co-operates with America will be assasinated.


Looks like another hot spot threatening world peace… waiting to blow-up.


Does peace follow the aftermath of unrighteous causes?

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Haribol, unfortunately, peace also means annihilation as well, so this may be what the fundamentalist on all sides, judaic, christian, and muslim, actually want. They want to help armageddon along so they can experiance some kind of rapture, which is nothing other than cruel death for those stuck in the "I am a Jew, I am an American, I am Jihadi" consciousness.


Some will cheer that amerikkka is now mowing down the resistance, but it is just more people being mowed down uselessly. Like in the sixties, the slogan "killing for peace is like ----ing for virginity" is very true. There is no way out. Bush has no exit, so our troops must die trying to get out. But out will be very impossible because Syria and Lebanon will soon explode, so will Saudi, so will Iran and half of Russia.


Yes, peace is upon us, but prophect says that it wont be the war, something else will happen to make all forget the battle. Something else will make combatants drop, unable to move. Some say two-thirds will survive according to the prophecy of John the Divine. But the survivors will be as good as dead for the quality of life that is left.


I dont blame anyone, because war is a natural event, much like tornadoes and earthquakes. As a disturbance of earth and fire causes magma to flow to a great volcano, as fire and air make the sun expant to envelop the earth, so a disturbance in the ether (sound vibration) causes the great killing arenae of war. Srimad Bhagavatam describes that Bhumi, the predominating deity of Earth, can tolerate all kinds of disturbance, except for one. The thing that She cannot tolerate is lying. Untruthfulness is what has disturbed the ether in this age of Kali. All evils of the world can be traced to an act of dishonesty.


There are no honest combatants. There is no honesty in the so-called muslim fundamentalist. They crucify Christ, they curse Solomon, they Hate Krsna, even though their Allah is but an expansion of Krsna's compassion. The christian amerikkan hate all but their own, and even have preferences leaving out mexicans, africans, and asians, even if they are "believers" in the bloodbath of jesus. The Jews only consider that they are the chosen, and thus they have made their god a tribal deity whose main business is killing his own creation that he made a "mistake" with. Alas. Not a bit of truth anywhere, so there is, like the POLICE sand, no political solution.


There is a solution, though. Bhagavad Gita takes place on an armageddon plane, the end of the world happened there. 18,000,000 folks died each day for 18 days. Only a dozen or so survived. It was a done deal before it began, as witnessed even before the first shot was fired, witnessed by Arjuna and Sanjaya, who were given a perfect remote viewing of the universal catastrophe by Lord Krsna Himself. The killer is not Bush, is not a jew, is not a jihadi, the killer is Krsna, who gives the devotee the proof that we are not slain when the body is slain.


So, I write in disgust at the tragic turn of world events, but I am not sad, mad, or glad. I do not curse the cloud that ends my life with 10 feet of snow, I do not curse the volcano that paves my gardens and forests with magma, so why should I decry such a natural event as war. My concern is that we dont participate and take sides, cause all sides are filled with liars. My planet cannot tolerate lies, she sheds her skin and grows new skin, so well all meet in a million of years or so, and maybe find some jewels of this age embedded in some rock somewhere. I mean, its not like this annihilation has never happened before.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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