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Krishna's favorite T.V. channel?

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This is an ignorant question, but please tell me by not speculating, because krishna's favorite place on the net would be www.vedabse.net because it talks about him.


Now, one (like me) wants to ask what his(krishna's) favorite T.V. channel is, so that one might sit in front of the T.V. and feel that he is very near to Him.

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I called Krishna on the phone, and He said that His favorite is Cartoon Network, particularly when Spider Man is on. If you have any other brilliant questions regarding Krishna's fav movie, disco, jeans or sneakers, just feel free to let me know. I will call Him or drop an email because last week the gopis bought Him a computer so that He can surf the web between two rasa-dances.

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You have krishna's favorite radio- the hare krishna one that constantly talks about Him. You have Krishna's favorite web pages, which are the ones that talk about Him, but there is no Krishna T.V. channel. If there is , please tell me. Sorry for the trouble, this was actually a serious question.


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jayati jayati vRndAraNyam etan murAreH

priyatamam ati-sAdhusvAnta-vaikuNTha-vAsAt

ramayati sa sadA gAH pAlayan yatra gopiH

svarita-madhura-veNur vardhayan prema rAse


(Sri BRhad-bhgavatAmRta 1.5, SanAtana GosvAmi)


All glories, all glories to Sri VRndAvana-dhAma, where Sri MurAri enjoys residing more

than He does in the hearts of sädhus or even in VaikuNTha, where He forever tends

cows, and where, by playing sweet melodies on the flute, He increases the gopis’

amorous love for Him.



Well, I think that would be little interest from the part of the rasika Sekara Sri Krishna in veda base.


But He has merciful magnanimous features too.

He can appreciate your endeavor, coming from the pure heart.



With a straw between my teeth, this very wretched and fallen person is petitioning all

the VaiSNavas and GosvAmIs,

“Please give me your mercy.”

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in the Krishna avatar Bhaghavan had a sense of humor. for the age, he was probably the prankster of the time especially when he was younger growing up.


besides, i am sure bhaghavan has different intersts: maybe he likes the history or discovery channel who is to tell. like on the discovery channel, if there is a theory that the are explaining and it is allll wrong, he is probably laughing! oh funny funny times. come on....think about it, it is funny!!!


some of us are a little uptight...i wont give out names, but please have a sense of humor and lighten up!!!!!

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