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SETI Will Share 'Contact'

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SETI Will Share 'Contact' says that the public will know when it happen


Dateline: Thursday, November 13, 2003



By: Phenomena News Editor

Source: The Stanford Daily


SETI legend Jill Tarter is not one to engage in conspiracy or secrecy when it comes to alien contact. "Information is the property of all humanity," the director of the SETI Institute said at a recent presentation. "If a message came to us, it would be our duty to share it with the rest of the world."


Tarter concedes that the search for extraterrestrial intelligence may well be the proverbial needle in a haystack, but believes that we must search nevertheless. And she says that our capacity to do so is now greatly enhanced with the recent unveiling of the SETI's own Allen Telescope Array - a purpose-built array of 500 radio telescopes whose working Tarter explains through the analogy of a "fly's eye".



Another advancement in SETI's resources is Project Argus, a large-scale project done on an individually small scale. Argus will consist of 5,000 members who will place satellite dishes in their own backyard to survey the sky in a distributed sky scan.



Tarter describes SETI as "archaeology of the future", meaning that any possible extraterrestrial signal intercepted would be a message from a culture that existed many years previous - due to the time taken for communications to travel interstellar distances.

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How would the world religions react if alien life was found? How would Hare Krishna's react?



Have you read Vaimanika Shastra. It talks about humans going to other planets in Vimanas(flying vehicles) and reaching the abode of different Gods(Devas). What do you think about this ?

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It would not disturb Hare Krishna deovtees in the least. Our scriptures are complete, filled with the Absolute Truth. In other words, our scripture includes the exitence of extra terrestial beings, even if its by other names. So, it would only inspire our spiriutal lives if such evidence were to be discovered by others.

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